pastekodi unknown command

  • Running LibreElec 9.2.8 on a Raspberry Pi

    I am connected via SSH. When I issue the command pastekodi I get the error

    LibreELEC:~ # pastekodi
    error=1 error_msg="Command not registered"
    Use 'vcgencmd commands' to get a list of commands

    Same result for pastecodi -c | pastebinit. Funny though: pastekodi -c works, printing the log and additional information in the shell. Also I can cat kodi.log | pastebinit, which pastes my log to

    I guess because these commands (partly) do not work, the command in the librelec settings (post current log, show shortened URL) doesn't work. And also the automatic filling of the samba share "logfile" (which is named "logfiles" on my system) doesn't work.

    Any idea anyone?


  • Unfortunately is silently failing on files being to large.

    Use pastekodi -c >mylog and put the file on a different pastebin site (or split it).

    The vcgencmd error is a known issue on 9.2.8 and does not harm.

  • I dug a bit into it and I have the impression that pastkodi stumbles across the following:

     if [ "${LIBREELEC_PROJECT}" = "RPi" ]; then
        bootloader_version="$(vcgencmd bootloader_version)"
        if ! echo "${bootloader_version}" | grep -q "Command not registered"; then
          echo  "${bootloader_version}" | cat_data "Bootloader version"

    The code tries to catch the error that bootloader_version might not be activated. But this doesn't work because $(vcgencmd bootloader_version) returns only stdout, not the error.

    bootloader_version="$(vcgencmd bootloader_version 2>&1)"

    works, but I can't correct the original /usr/bin/pastekodi because it is on a write only drive.

  • You could edit the PATH variable to start your custom pastekodi first.

    That was my idea too, but I didn' succeed :D . Most configuration files are located on the read only drive. I tried to create ~/.bash_profile, but it might be badly located or badly named or the configuration export PATH=/storage/.kodi/bin:$PATH might be wrong ...

    It should read this .bash_profile when I start a new ssh login, shouldn't it?