Libreelec 10.0 Firmware is not updated

  • I wanted to update the EEPROM bootloader of my Raspi 4 from 2021-03-18 to 2021-04-29.

    After a system restart, however, I was offered the same thing. Now I don't know whether this worked or not.

    Normally, if it has worked, it should no longer be offered in the WIF.

  • Even the latest recovery image from 2021-04-29 is outdated.

    LE does not check the latest bootloader / USB firmware version available online so the offer depends on the LE build.

    The latest stable RPi 4B bootloader is dated 2021-07-06.

    See here, there are commands to check the current versions installed and an update script which I am refreshing at intervals and it's now fresh:

    December 19, 2020 at 1:34 PM
  • The version you can update to via the settings add-on menus is limited by what we have embedded into the image; which is the version we tested against that image. You can update independently via files if you want/need to. We will update the firmware as/when needed in our next maintenance release.

  • LE includes the latest default and stable firmwares available when building the image. Settings addon checks against the default release train (same as RPiOS), if you want to track stable instead you can do that manually on the command line.

    so long,
