What happened to the RSS feed

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  • Feed display appears to be b0rked again.

    It fetches and seems to look properly formatted in a web browser, but won't display in LE/Kodi RSS ticker.

    (For both https://libreelec.tv/feed and https://libreelec.tv/feed.xml)

    Other feeds work, and I've changed nothing related on my end, so it looks to be a libreelec.tv issue

    DEBUG <general>: Thread RSSReader start, auto delete: false
    DEBUG <general>: CurlFile::Open(0x7efdeb34e900) https://libreelec.tv/feed.xml
    DEBUG <general>: easy_acquire - Created session to https://libreelec.tv
    DEBUG <general>: Got rss feed: https://libreelec.tv/feed.xml
    DEBUG <general>: RSS feed encoding: UTF-8
    DEBUG <general>: Thread RSSReader 139629037942336 terminating

    A successful feed has the following DEBUG entry after the encoding line:-

    DEBUG <general>: Parsed rss feed: https://kodi.tv/rss.xml

    Edited 2 times, last by kurai (December 21, 2021 at 4:40 AM).

  • Resurrecting this old thread because I noticed it's still an issue while I was testing a Nightly build install.

    To be clear - it's not an issue with the build itself - it's a problem with this website and how it has implemented it's RSS feed and/or a quirk of the way the Kodi RSSReader deals with it.

    For whatever reason the inbuilt Kodi RSSReader ticker cannot parse this particular feed, even though it checks out fine on the W3C validator.

    Feed Validator Results: https://libreelec.tv/feed.xml

    I copied the XML to my local webserver and chopped out all the article entries, in case it was a parsing issue with one post, but even with just the barebones XML feed structure it still failed to parse it.

  • For whatever reason the inbuilt Kodi RSSReader ticker cannot parse this particular feed, even though it checks out fine on the W3C validator.

    I copied the XML to my local webserver and chopped out all the article entries, in case it was a parsing issue with one post, but even with just the barebones XML feed structure it still failed to parse it.

    Just found this thread and was curious about the same thing: since December or so, the LibreELEC Newsfeed in the built-in Kodi RSS Feedtool had stopped and after some testing, it turned out that the Kodi Feed functionality is not able to parse the LibreELEC feed url - so thanks for confirming kurai ;) In fact, if you try to enter https://libreelec.tv/feed.xml into the Kodi RSS mask, it won't let you save and it complains about an unsupported or invalid url - very weird.

    Since the LE feed validates properly (as confirmed as well), would this be a bug with the Kodi RSS widget? I know it's a minor issue, but always loved having the latest news posts from LE at the bottom of my TV when using Kodi/LE. :)

    Edited once, last by Quiffy: grammar (January 19, 2023 at 2:37 PM).

  • Great news CvH

    The ticker was usually the way I heard about significant updates/developments first, since I would often miss inbuilt updater notifications and I am otherwise not checking the site/forums all that often ... unless I encounter an issue or just randomly remember to check in, once in a while.

    I am very much of the "if it Just Works[tm]" ... leave it alone until it doesn't ... mindset :P

    There are downsides to this - I recently made a query in the Bug Report section about something and it turned out the root cause was me leaving in an old advancedsettings.xml entry that hasn't been relevant/useful for *at least* 3 hardware platform updates that I've gone through :blush:

  • Many thanks also from my side CvH for taking care of this! It might be a small thing but as kurai pointed out it's always nice to have the LibreELEC feed in Kodi. If you are able to provide both Atom and RSS even better. :) Feel free to update this thread once the update has been deployed on the server so that we can enable our feeds again. Again appreciate you taking care of that "patch".