Mounting a network share

  • Hi,

    can someone please help me with a step by step tutorial how to mount my Fritz.NAS - Drive to Libreelec 9.2.7?

    I want to use it for recording in the THHeadend server.

    The "HowTo"-Links I found are all dead:

    The drive is located at

    // Aufnahmen

    Please help me!

  • Search the internet for "linux mount samba directories" and "libreelec cifs mount". In LibreELEC you also have the possibility to use the template "/storage/.config/system.d/cifs.mount.sample" and take into account that "/storage/.config/" behaves like a script that is run at startup. You will need to know SSH and SFTP to access the LibreELEC file system. Good luck!.

  • While it's easy enough to mount a share for tvheadend recordings I prefer to record locally and use rsycn in a small script post-processor command from tvheadend just in case network to your server fails during recording..especially it your server is away from home.

    If you go this way you need something like this..

    Edited once, last by Mario77: Merged a post created by Mario77 into this post. (July 7, 2021 at 12:29 PM).

  • Hi Mario77

    thank you for the feedback.

    I finally got it to work. My problem was, that I was not aware of the cases-sensitiveness in the path-names.

    What I did is, that I created a "storage-TVHeadend-recordings.mount" (--> it HAS to be named after the proper pathname EXACTLY (in my case "~/storage/TVHeadend/recordings") file in the "~/.config/system.d" and implemented it with "systemctl enable storage-TVHeadend-recordings.mount"

    I even added some additional options like forcing SMB 3 with "Options=vers=3.0,username=xxx,password=xxx,rw"

    As for recording locally and transfering: I will have a hard time figuring out the post processing of TVHeadend. The wiki was not very self explaining. I checked it, because I was planed on converting to .mpg4 after recordings and deleting the .TS. But holy $§%" is that complicated. I quickly gave up.

    I wonder why TVHeadend is so narrow/vanilla/basic regardings the configuration. E.g. the pathlink to the recording folder first of all. Why can't it just offer a GUI-based folder navigation to enter the path?

    Also post processing coman´ds? Often used usecases (mpg-convert, moving after recording, etc..) should definately be possible with drop downs/checkboxes etc. !!!

    Edited 2 times, last by LOLinger78 (July 8, 2021 at 11:38 AM).

  • As for recording locally and transfering: I will have a hard time figuring out the post processing of TVHeadend. The wiki was not very self explaining. I checked it, because I was planed on converting to .mpg4 after recordings and deleting the .TS. But holy $§%" is that complicated. I quickly gave up.

    I wonder why TVHeadend is so narrow/vanilla/basic regardings the configuration. E.g. the pathlink to the recording folder first of all. Why can't it just offer a GUI-based folder navigation to enter the path?

    Also post processing coman´ds? Often used usecases (mpg-convert, moving after recording, etc..) should definately be possible with drop downs/checkboxes etc. !!!

    Well that's part of the fun to get complicated but once you get used to it it's not that be honest it took me months to build my post processing script to my needs changing here and there but once you r satisfied and it does what you need you ll forget about it..

    If you decide to try ask here and you ll get some have ffmpeg to convert your videos after recording is done and rsync to move it and tvheadend api to change tvheadend path to your moved recording if you still want it to show in tvheadend recordings..

  • Linux always is case-sensitive in file/folder names, Windows is more like "yeah, whatever".

    Yes, that's kind of my problem.

    The Raspi 4B, that I own for one week now, is my first and only linux device.

    Sadly basically nothing runs out of the box. I still didn't even get TVHeadend set up in a way, that it's not causing artifacts/stutters.

    This in combination with not being an expert user on linux is kind of frustrating.

    Like if you compare DVBviewer MediaServer with TVH server for example: DVBViewer pretty much autosetups and runs out of the box with no issues to me. And you get full support on basics like auto-converting your TV recordings to .mpg and the likes, which just some autboxes, drop downs and GUI-guided folder linking.

    THVeadend on the other hand is a very narrow/simple browser page which only allows manual inputs. Having to invest research on, scripting (.mount files) and attaching them to Linux manually.

    Of course you might argue, that THV is free to use and DVBViewer charges for a license, but I would prefer paying 50€ a lot more, than spending hours and hours and still not having a stable SW-product.

    In my case I am pretty close to just buying a Zotac Pi335 and using Win10. 4A (Intel NUC) vs. 3A (RasPi) 5V-PSU might not be the big difference in actual power usage.

    And I hate myself for it, because the RasPi is such a wonderful thing on paper !!! (And I actually do like tinkering systems like this.)

    Lets see what this week brings and wheter I get things to finally run.