LibreELEC Configuration Error "Check the Log for More Information"

  • Hello I've seen this thread out in the forums but with different solutions for example: Changing language then reverting back with a reboot, changing skin then reverting back with a reboot. It does work but is temporary until the next boot. I checked the Kodi log and the first error I see is a Dbus error: org.freedesktop.Dbus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files. Can this be related to Kodi missing some upgrade packages: Here is my Kodi log.

  • Can this be related to Kodi missing some upgrade packages

    I'd say it's more related to the various banned add-on crap that has been installed on your Kodi setup. The type of add-ons that are known to possibly cause havoc on core Kodi functionality.

    As per our forum rules (and Team Kodi's), all support will be halted when add-ons and/or wizards facilitating video piracy are present. You can either fully clean up your Kodi/LibreELEC setup, or you can find your support elsewhere.

    The choice is yours.

  • Thanks Janitor it would of been wise to remove my thread then comment on it. I will remove all my addons and see if that’s the case. I respect this platform and stop trying to act like the Kodi community is fully clean.

    • Official Post

    Removing the thread would not have informed you why it was removed.

    Stating you "respect the platform" while at the same time insinuating that all of us are using video piracy add-ons will not get you any popularity votes. Apparently the short-sighted views on Kodi's reputation are like the proverbial weeds that are hard to eradicate.

    You can tone the attitude, or you can find your support elsewhere.

  • Man why are you so worked up. There’s a reason why we all use VPN’s on Kodi. Look Im going to be the bigger person, I’m not here to argue or be a gangster on the keyboard. I did remove all quote on quote pirated addons and did a fresh install of LibreELEC and still get the error message. I do have a new SD and is not corrupted and I did flash with Balena Etcher and with the in house SD USB creator. I do have the 8gb model of RPi with the Argone V2 case, FYI. I’m here for support and help out anybody who is having or experiencing this issue. I remember my days with XDA back in 2007 all we did was support each other every way possible. I’m not no noob.

  • Look I apologize I came off with the wrong foot so did your staff. I am not a pirater I just happened to have few addons that were. Also I’m not calling everyone a pirater but they are reasons why users utilize a vpn sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad we may never know. I’m in the cyber tech field so I’m not the bad guy and I would like to utilize this platform for support.