Legacy v9.2 (LTS) builds for Amlogic S805/S8X2, S905/S912 and all WeTek boxes

  • kodlz

    Sorry, it was published yesterday, and unfortunately I didn't have time for it, but I made up for it now.

    LibreELEC v9.2.8.6 (2022-09-04) has been released for S805, S8X2, S905x and WP1 devices.

    Changes since v9.2.8.5 (2022-07-23):

    • ALL: remove amcodec buffer increase patch from all projects (unfortunately it causes more problems than it solves),
    • ALL: update OpenSSL package to v1.1.1q and cacert.pem to 2022-07-19,
    • ALL: update time zone database to 2022c,
    • KI-Pro, KI-Plus, M8S+, WeTek Play 2: remove key swap on virtual keyboard (ESC/Backspace),
    • ALL: replace separated autoscript-amlogic package to default u-boot-script and relocate boot scripts,
    • ALL: fix main (v1.5.0) and remove separate (v1.4.5) dtc package,
    • ALL: fix build for some game-related packages and add them to the repository,
    • S905: replace static raw device tree sources to differential versions.
    • 3rdParty: add new 3rdParty images: Odroid C1/C1+ (S805), WeTek Hub (S905-H).

    For download links, please check the first post in this topic: #1

    Mirror (GitHub): Release LibreELEC v9.2.8.6 for AML S805/S8X2/S905 and WP1 (2022-09-04) · dtechsrv/LibreELEC-AML

  • Hey dtech your website for these builds seems to be down. I did find them on your Github though not sure if you are moving everything over there or what.

    Edit it would help to look one post up for the Github link DOH.

    Edited once, last by thadrumr (October 3, 2022 at 11:03 PM).

  • I did find them on your Github though not sure if you are moving everything over there or what.

    It couldn't have been that hard to find, just look one post up, there's the link: "Mirror (GitHub)". :)

    Apart from the 3rdParty images, all of them are uploaded there, only the LE repo is not available at this time.

    Edit: Now it's working again.

  • Hello everyone. I have a problem with the new version. Each time i start ny tvbox with libreelec the time is wrong. I reboot it in Android firmware (without the sd card) and after that i reboot again in Libreelec. After that the time is correcting. Any idea watch going on?

  • Hello everyone. I have a problem with the new version. Each time i start ny tvbox with libreelec the time is wrong. I reboot it in Android firmware (without the sd card) and after that i reboot again in Libreelec. After that the time is correcting. Any idea watch going on?

    What does "wrong" mean? Maybe it resets to 0:00? Or can the time be shifted by one or more hours?

    The time zone database was updated (2022c) in the last version (v9.2.8.6), so if the error is that only the hours value is incorrect, please check your time zone setting. But, if the error is different, then I would ask for a Kodi log.

  • What does "wrong" mean? Maybe it resets to 0:00? Or can the time be shifted by one or more hours?

    The time zone database was updated (2022c) in the last version (v9.2.8.6), so if the error is that only the hours value is incorrect, please check your time zone setting. But, if the error is different, then I would ask for a Kodi log.

    Its a very different time with the real time zone. Its has nothing to do with my time zone setting. The problem appears after the latest update of Libreelec

  • Thanks for adding image for Odroid C1+. It boots without any issues.

    Is it possible to install transmission client? I understand that these old kernel devices lack docker support but maybe there is another way like entware installation. Or is there still has working add-on for this.

  • Thanks for adding image for Odroid C1+. It boots without any issues.

    Is it possible to install transmission client? I understand that these old kernel devices lack docker support but maybe there is another way like entware installation. Or is there still has working add-on for this.

    Docker does not work at all on Meson8* boxes with the old 3.10 kernel, so you should find or build a native transmission binary package.

    Our long-standing project policy refuses to build and publish bittorrent clients, so unfortunately I cannot help with this request.

  • Docker does not work at all on Meson8* boxes with the old 3.10 kernel, so you should find or build a native transmission binary package.

    Our long-standing project policy refuses to build and publish bittorrent clients, so unfortunately I cannot help with this request.

    Thanks for your clarification. I guess I have to try to build the package myself. ^^

  • Thank you for your great work

    I can't find the third party images on the github mirror.

    these appear on your site that is currently down.

    and I wanted to try to see which of them would go well with my tronsmart s89h, since I tried with the M8S PLUS but it does not raise the wifi or bluetooth.

    Could you pass me the link to download them or upload them to github?

    Thanks for all

  • these appear on your site that is currently down

    It is now available. There was an error with the ISP again. The simple reason: the "big fish" has acquired the "small fish" and now they are migrating the entire network to their own existing one. There have been problems for months, but they promise that it will finish soon.

    I can't find the third party images on the github mirror.

    Could you pass me the link to download them or upload them to github?

    I didn't plan to upload the 3rdParty images to GitHub, because they need a lot of space together.

    If the server is unavailable, I recommend the Wayback Machine.

    I wanted to try to see which of them would go well with my tronsmart s89h, since I tried with the M8S PLUS but it does not raise the wifi or bluetooth.

    You need to try the Universal k200 image on your box, with this remote.conf.