Official LE11 Test Images for Amlogic (Kodi-20)

  • Older cards may indeed solve boot issues. A 2GB card seems to have helped my case. Not at first, but that may be due to factors in this particular box.

    About installing to the internal memory, I know it's discouraged from and deprecated, but would help me, at my risk; no queries in case of failure. Is the solution in finding and running the script?

  • intelmorino I think you need to trigger "recovery" mode on the box again. This will trigger the factory u-boot to search for boot scripts and read them, and the important bit - store/overwrite the file-search routines. If you've simply switched the SD card the stored config will be set to look for CE/Legacy files, hence LE bootscripts are not automatically found and read. It's also interesting to see the file rename approach, I wouldn't have thought it would work (but then I don't test with Legacy images or CE at all). Also good to hear the A95XF3 dtb is okay.. I've submitted it upstream and it should be merged for Linux 5.18.

    No dice. I took your comment on board and reflashed the stock Android image. Then reflashed the LE image and set up the dtb in uEnv.ini. Then tried to recover from Android using the "update" app but that failed and took me to the boot menu. Powered down and repowered with the toothpick method, but that took me into a boot loop. So I think I've excluded the possibility that I've missed something.

    Hi Chewitt, some feedback on these January 2022 postings regarding a95x F3 Air. I never did get it to boot then, but since you reinstated the chainload boot into the boot scripts, this device now boots fine. I used a u-boot.bin from a previous Libreelec compilation and changed the extension to "ext".

  • About installing to the internal memory, I know it's discouraged from and deprecated, but would help me, at my risk; no queries in case of failure. Is the solution in finding and running the script?

    The solution is you coding/implementing support for Amlogic's proprietary partition scheme in the upstream kernel. Until that exists there is no way for the kernel or disk tools used in a script to 'see' the Android /system or /data partitions to wipe and reuse them. Even if someone does port the horrid hack from Amlogic sources it will be refused upstream; because it really is a horrid hack.

  • Re-reading the original screenshot: You ran emmctool without actually having the AMLGX file to write on the /storage partition so it's errored and written no data to the device. Hence boot has still worked. If the box boots; that's where advice stops because I have no interest in wading into the shitfest of atetmpting support for internal installs on hardware I don't have. I've deleted the GT1 image from my test share.

    Sorry, if i was not fully clear but the image is working if you add the meson-gxm-gt1-ultimate.dtb file to the dtb folder in the root in the SD Card:

    Ik pick the dtb folder from the LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-10.95.0-box.img and added the you dtb file to that folder.

    Since you deleted the post i also do not see the command anymore to install it on the internal emmc storage.

    Can you please tell me again?

    I tried : emmctool w LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-10.85.0-beelink-gt1.img trough ssh.

    Many thx for all the work.

  • Hi, I have installed libreelec on my beelink gt1 ultimate and it only recognizes 2gb of ram instead of 3gb. In coreelec it did recognize 3gb of ram. I have used meson-gxm-gt1-ultimate.dtb

    I have known that there are 2 models of gt1 ultimate. one is fake ram with 2gb and another with 3gb. Would there be any chance of getting it to recognize 3gb?

    Except for the ram issue, everything else seems to work fine.

    I have tried the images:


    LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-10.95.1-box.img thanks

    Edited once, last by hanscruguer (March 5, 2023 at 6:35 PM).

  • Would there be any chance of getting it to recognize 3gb?

    CE kernels will report whatever RAM size the boot code reports (true or fake) while upstream kernels report what is actually there. So the only way to make your 2GB box report 3GB is hacking the kernel or GUI to report 3GB. IMHO, since it works .. don't fix it.

  • I see that night releases have started to use Kodi Omega, I do not want to use them because the plugins will probably cease to be compatible. That being said, I have questions about whether the images on will be updated with current improvements? For example, if there was an improvement in hardware decoding under Amlogic would it go into LibreElec 11?

  • I'm not sure there will be much add-on breakage with Omega. Kodi devs are generally running their own code so anything from the Kodi repo normally works fine, and there are no major API differences between Nexus/Omega (so far) to cause disruption with other add-ons; the Py2 to Py3 changes are long done and settled now. One change that will happen in LE12 is a switch from arm to aarch64 userspace as 64-bit widevine libs have finally appeared.

    On the kernel side, if there's anything notable to backport from newer kernels to 6.1.y then it can be done. I plan to send at least one more bump for LE 11.0.1 to resolve the "pink line" seen on S912 boards when scaling SD media to 1080p. I'm not expecting much progress to happen on hardware decoders in the near future though.

    NB: I will probably close this thread and fork a new one for K21 images soon. I do need to move the kernel codebase forwards to drop patches and ensure I'm not sitting on too much technical debt.

  • Good morning! I may have asked before, but because the data changes and I don't "have" much, if you know, tell me about these two tv boxes, which libreelec versions with their respective device trees should I put on an sd card. 1. W95 2/16gb Android 7.1 2. A95X F3 4/64gb Android 9 Thanks.

    Edited 2 times, last by abc827 (March 14, 2023 at 6:42 PM).

  • T95Z Plus 3/32GB... now, with meson-gxm-t95z-plus.dtb . Ethernet now working good (with meson-gxm-q201.dtb and meson-gxm-q200.dtb it doesn't work), LCD display shows information (with meson-gxm-q201.dtb and meson-gxm-q200.dtb it doesn't work at all), but one of the two USB ports stopped working after update from LibreELEC 11 Beta 2 to 11 Stable. I can't explain what has happened, but one port is working but the other is not. Before update all ports has working!

    By the way, can someone explain for this model what I need to set up to get the factory remote control to work?

  • PhoenixBG please update to….arm-11.0.0.tar and see if that resolves USB ports? - and focus on the t95z-plus dtb not Q200/Q201 comparisons. To get the remote working you need to share a working remote conf or follow the instructions in…ration-advanced and share a listing of keycodes and notes on what keycode represents which remote key; from that I can create a keymap driver and preconfigure it.

  • ...

    One change that will happen in LE12 is a switch from arm to aarch64 userspace as 64-bit widevine libs have finally appeared.


    I'm not expecting much progress to happen on hardware decoders in the near future though.

    I'm curious how this is resolved now? Because the system reports in uname that it is aarch64 (I have a s912). Is this 32 bit Kodi running under a 64 bit system? It looks like it is, because the file on kodi.bin shows ELF 32-bit LSB executable

    Is there any benefit to switching to aarch64 other than tidiness? Is it known when such a change is planned ? or will it be as soon as images for Amlogic appear in ?

    It's a pity that you can't expect any improvement in hardware decoding under s912 in the near future, I hope it will improve one day.

    In January there were changes that improved the search under hardware decoding but personally I have not noticed any improvement, practically every time you try to rewind (and also change the video language) artifacts appear and you have to stop and restart the video.

    But I'm still happy with the handling of my s912 under LibreElec, it saved it from the end of its life. And I use hardware decoding anyway, because it makes the hardware much less heated.

    Let me just clarify that the above is not pretensions or expectations, I am grateful for the development of this project giving a second life to the s912.

  • Hello, chewitt I recognized the remote for PhoenixBG : same as a km8 pro remote :

    the config km8pro.txt should be working but untested by me

    The problem is that there are many configs : the km8 p / pro has the same remote as PhoenixBG has for a T95Z Plus

    but i have a bm8 pro (same box, different remote) that comes with this one :

    this config works in CE ,and also works to power on my vorke z6 plus : kiplus_compl.txt : 0x59 KEY_POWER for NEC driver

    I understand it's complicated building dtbs, but are the remotes also in the dtbs or could they be put somewhere else as a collection of rc_maps configs and make a reference to that in the wiki ?

    Also, I have the same problems as PhoenixBG with one usb port KO + problems with the VFD displaying boot and shutdown not working.

    I have seen that…c82b-box.img.gz is supposed to fix usb not working, will try it , with maybe the dtb meson-gxm-t95z-plus.dtb

    As I have 4 different boxes, of which 2 s912 and one s905, I would almost be willing to try to build my own dtbs with remote configs in order to spare you the time and give back to the community, but I have began listing the different sources and I understand it's not simple.

    My other interest is in Bluetooth (for audio only), so I would maybe able to try that too if I manage to build dtbs.