After upgrading to the kernel 5.18.3, the USB stack of my S912 was not working properly. Reversing the commit: 6c64a664e1cff339ec698d803fa8cbb9af5d95ce "xhci: Set HCD flag to defer primary roothub registration" of the kernel fixes the issue.

Official LE11 Test Images for Amlogic (Kodi-20)
CvH -
August 28, 2020 at 11:13 AM -
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Thread is Resolved
Insert the LE SD while Android is running and enter "reboot update" from Terminal Emulator: it - always - worked flawlessly on my Yoka BB2 (Mecool clone) !
That worked. Thanks. I can bring it out of retirement and/or give it to a friend.
I have so many boxes running Libreelec/Coreelec I don't know what to do with them. lol
i'm migrated from CoreELEC:
box: Magicsee N5 (sorry, very old, but working!)
dtb: meson-gxl-s905x-p212.dtb (BT don't work)
img: nightly-20220609-c66e09a (AMLGX.arm)
Please: how to install to internal mmc? I'm run "installtointernal" and "ceemmc"... not found....
Please: how to install to internal mmc? I'm run "installtointernal" and "ceemmc"... not found....
This is not (and will not be) supported.
After upgrading to the kernel 5.18.3, the USB stack of my S912 was not working properly. Reversing the commit: 6c64a664e1cff339ec698d803fa8cbb9af5d95ce "xhci: Set HCD flag to defer primary roothub registration" of the kernel fixes the issue.
Confirmed on another S912 device (VIM2) although I see no issues on an older S905 (WP2) and newer S922X (N2+) device. I reported it to the linux-usb mailing list - let's see what maintainers say. If no eureka moment in a couple of days I'll push a revert patch to nightlies.Testing with 5.19-rc1 flagged some patches I'd had picked from one of the mailing lists, and after dropping those USB works, so I've pushed an updated patchset to LE main repo. It should get merged for next nightlies.
I'm using the version for odroid N2. I must say that I'm impressed by the performance and picture quality but should I expect to:
A. Have no analog output from the 3.5mm jack? I've got round this by using a usb dac but it seems a waste of the onboard one.
B. Have to turn off the DRM PRIME decoder to get H265 to play? Attempts with it enabled caused the system to lock. The N2 seems to do a fine job of software decoding and I only use up to HD, so it's no big deal for me.
Sorry if these issues have been covered before but I can promise you I've searched quite a lot before asking.
I'm using the version for odroid N2. I must say that I'm impressed by the performance and picture quality but should I expect to:
A. Have no analog output from the 3.5mm jack? I've got round this by using a usb dac but it seems a waste of the onboard one.
B. Have to turn off the DRM PRIME decoder to get H265 to play? Attempts with it enabled caused the system to lock. The N2 seems to do a fine job of software decoding and I only use up to HD, so it's no big deal for me.
Sorry if these issues have been covered before but I can promise you I've searched quite a lot before asking.
I have an Odroid N2 as well. Are there any advantages to using Libreelec over Coreelec?
HDGuy, why not get an SD card and try it for yourself? You could answer my questions then😀.
For me, the biggest advantage is that I can watch HD channels on UK Freeview via TVHeadend without any "micro stutters" for want of a better word. It seems I'm unique in this as I've been a pest on the CoreELEC forum about it. My semi logical feeling is that there's something in the vendor kernel because firestick and the earlier vendor kernel don't exhibit this. LibreELEC, uses mainline kernel and behaves beautifully with these channels.
The 3.5mm Jack output should work *but* you'll need to fiddle with OS level mixer settings to route the audio correctly and get output. I'm not sure if some alsa conf fu can be used to route to both Jack and HDMI at the same time (maybe)? but alsa configuration is one of Linux's "dark arts" so it's not something I've done much experimenting with.
The main difference with CE is the lack of 4K/VP9/HEVC support on G12A/B and SM1 hardware and overall playback with HEVC on all hardware due to lack of development on the upstream hardware codecs. However if you only need 1080p it's possible to software decode everything comfortably with nice results on hardware like N2 with a huge heatsink to keep things cool. LE also supports (with caveats) older hardware which CE has now dropped support for and the state of hardware decoding on older hardware is better than new; as the current upstream code was developed for older hardware and there are fewer newer-hardware features missing (not the best reason, but still a valid reason).
Thanks chewitt. I've had to reread yours several times in order to digest it's content. You've made it clearer for me and what you say does align with the stuff I've read and partly understood. Being only up to 1080 and happy with an external DAC, I'm sticking with LibreELEC. The internal DAC would be a nice to have but I don't practice the dark arts.
Just wondering, but do the current s905x based nightly support 4K x265 with HDR?
Just wondering, but do the current s905x based nightly support 4K x265 with HDR?
Yes. Seeking in HEVC content isn't perfect (as good as H264) but general playback and 4K/HDR is fine on S905X/S912 devices.
The 3.5mm Jack output should work *but* you'll need to fiddle with OS level mixer settings to route the audio correctly and get output. I'm not sure if some alsa conf fu can be used to route to both Jack and HDMI at the same time (maybe)? but alsa configuration is one of Linux's "dark arts" so it's not something I've done much experimenting with.
The main difference with CE is the lack of 4K/VP9/HEVC support on G12A/B and SM1 hardware and overall playback with HEVC on all hardware due to lack of development on the upstream hardware codecs. However if you only need 1080p it's possible to software decode everything comfortably with nice results on hardware like N2 with a huge heatsink to keep things cool. LE also supports (with caveats) older hardware which CE has now dropped support for and the state of hardware decoding on older hardware is better than new; as the current upstream code was developed for older hardware and there are fewer newer-hardware features missing (not the best reason, but still a valid reason).
So I guess I’ll stick with Coreelec on my Odroid N2 and use LibreElec on my S912 box. At least I can use the S912 now, it’s been sitting in my closet for well over a year. I even installed the last modified firmware (Android TV) I could find for it from way back in 2018.
A bit more feedback on the latest n2 (20220611) although I noticed it on 20220610.
The only way I can get 23.976 framerates to play at 24 on my tv is to set the gui up at 24fps. If I do that, live tv switches to 50 as I'd expect given that I have refresh rate switching set to On Start/Stop. I don't use whitelist. The same video files switch to 24 on my tanix tx6 which is running 10.02 and has gui set to 50. It would seem that the problem lies with fractional framerates because I can set the gui to 50 on the N2 and 24p material will switch to 24fps but 23.976 plays at 50.
Hope this helps development and is not too confusing.
Would there be a chance to update InputStream Adaptive to the latest version (20.2.2-Nexus) in your images or official test images?
The latest version fixes a regression bug:
Because of it I couldn't update LibreElec because it was breaking up the playback on some plugins.
Would there be a chance to update InputStream Adaptive to the latest version (20.2.2-Nexus) in your images or official test images?
the new addons get build tonight and pushed tomorrow
Are there any known issues with SAMBA or SSH?
The device shows as enabled for both services, but I can't ssh or access the samba shares.
I can ping the device, and I can play media off my media server. However I can't access my media player.
Nothing seems to stand out in the log to me, but that doesn't mean a whole lot given my ignorance.
Are there any known issues with SAMBA or SSH?
The device shows as enabled for both services, but I can't ssh or access the samba shares.
I can ping the device, and I can play media off my media server. However I can't access my media player.
Nothing seems to stand out in the log to me, but that doesn't mean a whole lot given my ignorance.
I can concur that whilst ssh works for me SAMBA doesn't. Because I have an alternative like plex / ssh to transfer files etc I am okay (for now).