Audio from hdmi1 port

  • Any way to output audio from hdmi1 port? (not hdmi0)

    I have already tried

    - hdmi_preferred=1

    - hdmi_drive=2

    not helped

    amixer cset numid=3 3 will use hdmi1 port for audio

    But, amixer command not exists libreelec

  • I assume you're using an RPi 4B. On that device you can't do this. HDMI1 is for dual-screen mode only. If you need an additional digital audio output, go for an HDMI audio extractor.

    Im'm facing the same problem with my RPi4. My HDMI0 is damaged so I need to use HDMI1.

    When using an Android TV build both video and audio are correctly output to HDMI1, why this is not possible with LE?

    Edited 2 times, last by jaum20 (June 1, 2021 at 5:50 PM).

    • Official Post

    To my knowledge, LE 10 Beta can play audio on HDMI-1 now. In theory it's possible to get A/V on HDMI-1, too.

    With LE 10 Beta video settings have been moved from config.txt to cmdline.txt. I'm not familiar with the new syntax. Maybe there is a setting to switch video to HDMI-1. /shrug

  • With LE 10 Nightly (Index of /) when the display is connected only to HDMI1 on RPi 4B, both audio & video works fine on it.

    The same happens when the display is connected only to HDMI0.

    When both HDMI0 and HDMI1 ports are occupied (by active HDMI devices), Kodi displays video on HDMI0 only and audio can be switched to any HDMI output.