I've started this thread because yet another time driver for my RT2870-based dongle has been broken (not the frist time, I believe somewhere in mainline kernel). I have another dongle, RTL8821-based, but it isn't suppoted. Thus, I need another wireless USB dongle, but I do not know what exactly I need? Is there any list of supported chips? Can I use for instance CONFIG_RTL_CARDS from mainline kernel for reference or what else? The vast majority of cheap dongles are unsupported RTL8811/8821… I found some amount of RTL8188CU devices, but I'm not sure that they are supported in LE, though I see there are relevant CONFIG_RTL8XXXU and CONFIG_RTL8192CU kernel options.
Upd: there is no /proc/config.gz and I was unable to find actual kernel .config to check for included drivers