YoutubeTV addon

  • Hello

    I made Chrome Launcher mod for youtube in TV mode.

    I’ve tested in windows and Ubuntu.

    I need your help. Please anybody test it with LE and write comments/suggestions.

    Here is the addon link…HGNUV5AJ9iWKUKY

    Test Video is here

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    PS: If I’m wrong section dear modorators please move to right place.

    Edited 2 times, last by Knoxwille: Add-on Updated (August 31, 2020 at 12:19 PM).

  • hi i just ried this on my windows 10 machine but i get no sound only video am i missing som settings?

  • I guess your security settings of chrome disabling sound. Please check chorome settings/privacy and security/site settings/contents/additional contents/sound --> Allow sites to play sound enabled if it is disabled you cannot play videos with sound.

    as alternate way you can try my another project youtubetv for windows


    İt is self extract winrar archive you can run it directly or extract with winrar and use it as portable app to login youtube account.

    No virus,malware,adware it is my hobby project.Freeware.

    PS: You must use Alt+F4 to exit.

  • Not working using the latest libreelec !

    Chrome is installed

    The addon settings pop-ups and i see “Use Custom chrome/script path off

    I would like to see it work

    I guess path detection script cannot find it. I don't have a device to test/correct it but I'll try virtual system to test/correct. It takes some time I'll inform you here. Meanwhile you can try something. First connect your device with ssh and try run chrome directly from shell. If it is run create a simple bash script like below.

    copy these lines and save as a bash script like

    chmod to executable ( chmod +x

    Now go to Youtubetv addon setting and use newly created script as chrome executor.

    Here is the script.

    chrome --start-fullscreen --disable-translate --disable-new-tab-first-run --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Unknown; Linux armv7l) AppleWebKit/537.1+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/537.1+ LG Browser/6.00.00(+mouse+3D+SCREEN+TUNER; LGE; 43LK5760PTA; 04.25.05; 0x00000001;); LG NetCast.TV-2013 /04.25.05 (LG, 43LK5760PTA, wired)"

    I think it should work.

    Edited 4 times, last by Knoxwille: Edit : I forgot to add youtube url to end of the command line sorry! (August 24, 2020 at 9:57 AM).

  • I would like to help but i am not great with linux

    If you give me setup by setup i will do it right now

  • I would like to help but i am not great with linux

    If you give me setup by setup i will do it right now

    It was quick but dirty solution.I must find and fix this problem for all users. Helping only you is not a good way. Please wait until I finish my job. I will update add-on soon.

  • Add-on updated. Please delete current add-on download new version and install it.

    After installation open add-on settings enable "Use custom Chrome/script path" option.

    Select "Chrome/script path" to browse and select "" select ok.

    Run add-on and enjoy your smart youtube tv !

    Ps: You must also installed chrome add-on and run it one time before youtube add-on. It will download and install chrome browser to the path

  • Did everything but still no luck !!

    I get “Chrome not found”

  • I think problem is related with chrome. I'll continue search for it but I have no iptv box. I'm testing on virtualized x86 version of libreelec.

    Chromium working better than chrome because of it supports ARM devices directly.

    I can make a chrome version of add-on that works both x86 and ARM devices.

    Stay tune!

  • I think problem is related with chrome. I'll continue search for it but I have no iptv box. I'm testing on virtualized x86 version of libreelec.

    Chromium working better than chrome because of it supports ARM devices directly.

    I can make a chrome version of add-on that works both x86 and ARM devices.

    Stay tune!

    I am using x86 libreelec build

  • I guess I found what is the problem. I was zipped addon in windows this caused changing of file attributes. Shell file not installing as executable.

    I have ubuntu installed laptop at home I'll fix and re-zip when I'm home. Also minor fixes applied. This night I'll update plugin again.

    I've used putty for ssh connetion to my virtual-libreelec changed shell file to executable and it's worked. I hope this time I will success!

  • it's working now, great!

    hovewer there are some problems,

    some remote control buttons are not working as expected, volume controls are ignored, back button ignored when you're on main screen, also there's no way to close addon... don't know if possible to map RC buttons to add-on, keymap editor addon from kodi doesn't help here

    Edited once, last by rix81 (August 31, 2020 at 6:34 PM).