Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (4GB) freezes when playing movies.

  • It might be technically possible to do some of the things you state, but the primary reason for migrating/regenerating the DB between Kodi versions is that it makes Kodi developement and support easier. The all-volunteer Team Kodi staff needs to strike a balance between spending their limited time on coding new features and fixing bugs .. and multi-version backwards-compatible SQL database support has "huge amount of effort for little reward" written all over it in mile-high flaming letters. Throw in "MySQL vs. MariaDB" and DB versions for extra hassle.

    I know people have tested Krypton migration and I would expect a few to have done Jarvis, but I doubt anyone on Team Kodi has tested migration from as far back as Isengard. The reality is that developers develop on v.next not v.old and the staffing is limited; there's no QA department :)

    NB: The Kodi wiki has some workarounds for DBs that fail to update including "export and reimport" if that's needed.

  • Hi all. Noob here, but experiencing the same. Setup; rbpi4b (4gb) with passive heatsink and 3d printed case with enough venting holes. Connected via utp. The device runs at 1080p 60 Hz. Running temperature of the cpu is 60 degrees celsius (after playing a full movie). Freezes during h264 as well as h265 (the latter more...). When enable logging (from settings), during playback of a h265 movie, the amount of memory usage... 3.48 gb... Cpu usage around 50%. When freezing... Cpu usage drops to 23% and after several seconds rises to almost 90% and returns to 50% again. After the freeze, temperature went to 63%. How can the memory usage be so much? That would mean the 1gb variant wouldn't be able to run? Is the cpu temperature the issue? Could it be a buffering issue?

  • How can the memory usage be so much? That would mean the 1gb variant wouldn't be able to run? Is the cpu temperature the issue? Could it be a buffering issue?

    Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • Hi all,

    Hereby the link to the log. It's really getting annoying, movies and even low res series freeze a lot! I hope it's just a setting or something I can change...

    I'll try it again.upload doesn't seem to work properly.

    Many thanks in advance!

    Kind regards, Tjard

    Edited once, last by Tjard (June 1, 2020 at 11:34 AM).

  • RPi4 software is not quite as mature as RPi3, but I've been using one as the family daily driver since before the public launch and I don't see any real-world issues with any media apart from HDR which plays with washed out colours due to the current lack of HDR support (but is otherwise fine).

    In the absence of a debug log file which would allow us to spot the config errors and such, we have to guess. I'm guessing you've enabled 4K60 modes and set the GUI to 4K60 (or if not enabled, it's running at 4K30) and you haven't done refresh/resolution whitelisting, so 23.976 media is being forced to run at the desktop resolution (30 or 60 Hz) which requries resampling .. and RPi4 is still a low-power ARM device so that will suck and cause a nice stuttery experience.

    Keep the desktop at 1080p60, set "adjust refresh" to start/stop and configure the whitelist for 1080p/4k 23.976/24/50/59.97/60 only, and don't force 4k60 in config.txt unless you actually intend to watch 4k60 media (there is none in use apart from test files).

    So you are playing RPi4 2160p?

    I decided to try it again and purchased another RPi4/4GB. I inserted brand new micro SD card and installed LibreELEC 9.2.3 and Aeon MQ8.

    I tried every option for 1080p (2160p doesn't work at all.); 24fps, 23.98fps, 60fps, 59.94 fps. It works for while then freezes. It is not even close to RPi3. (I have two RPi3 working perfectly.) IMO combination of RPi4 and LibreELEC doesn't work properly even for some 1080p movies. (TV is OK)

    I decided to use it for music, connecting output one to receiver and second to monitor. Second monitor shows only multi color square, nothing else.

    Maybe RPi4 is good for some other projects, but not for LibreELEC player. I am done with it. Going back to RPi3s. Standard HDMI and works fine on 1080p/60fps.

  • Hey guys, I’ve just signed up here to post in this thread.

    I’ve also had similar issues with my Pi 4. I’ve installed LibreELEC just to watch DVDs. Sometimes they play fine for a while and sometimes they crash shortly after the DVD has been started. The Pi 4 simply unmounts the external DVD drive and also kicks out the wireless dongle of my Logitech keyboard. If I unplug and replug it, the keyboard works again. The DVD drive on the other hand most of the times won’t work again and it is also impossible to properly shut down the Pi 4 through KODI’s menu. I have to force kill it using the button on my Argon One case.

    I’ve also tried playing the DVDs on TwisterOS. Same story. So it’s probably not the OS’s fault. This has lead me to believe that maybe it’s an issue with the SD cards that I use. So I’ve tried booting the Pi 4 from a USB thumb drive. But same story here. The DVD drive will be unmounted.

    Another thing is that while streaming series on TwisterOS on a premium streaming service who’s mascot is a rodent with big ears, the stream will play fine for an hour or two. After that the stream will very regularly shut down and crash. Then I’ll have to refresh the page or even restart the entire browser for the stream to continue.

    I’m using the 8GB Pi 4 with an Argon One case. I’ve turned the fans up to max so temperatures usually stay far below 40°C. I’ve also tried overclocking and removing the overclock. Same story. DVD drive will be unmounted and streams crash.

    So might this be a hardware or a driver issue? Judging by how unstable everything is not only on LibreELEC but also on TwisterOS this might very well be the case. I’ve never had a single problem on the old Pi 3.

  • I’ve bought the original Raspberry Pi plug so I wouldn’t have to deal with dodgy chinese plugs. But that didn’t really help. I’ve also bought an Anker plug that has four USB outputs and apparently it can output up to 7.2 amps. No idea if it’s limited to 1.8 amps per USB port or if it can push out more than that if only the Pi is connected (which it is) but yeah. Neither the original nor the Anker plug did. change anything.

    And I’ve only cranked up the fan to max just to be sure that nothing is overheating. I’ve got another Pi 4 that’s sitting next to my router and that is only being passively cooled. It goes up to 60 - 65-ish under load and nothing ever happened to it. But I really wanted to rule out any sources of error. But nothing that I change saves me from the crashes that randomly occur on the Pi 4 while streaming or watching DVDs.

  • Most likely you have to connect the DVD drive via a powered USB hub.

    Maximum USB current on RPis is 1.2A - for all 4 ports combined. If you exceed that (eg if the DVD drive or a USB HDD needs more when spinning up) you'll get the symptoms you described (USB reset, devices "falling off the bus").

    See also the RPi FAQ FAQs - Raspberry Pi Documentation


    From the Raspberry Pi B+ onwards, 1.2A is supplied to downstream USB peripherals. This allows the vast majority of USB devices to be connected directly to these models, assuming the upstream power supply has sufficient available current.

    Very high-current devices, or devices which can draw a surge current such as certain modems and USB hard disks, will still require an external powered USB hub.

    so long,


  • Alright after getting rid of the Argon One case I’ve plugged in the original Raspberry PSU since it pushes out 3 amps instead of the apparently maximum 2.4 amps the Anker can do.


    With the original PSU I could navigate through the main menu of the DVD. As soon as the content of the DVD started, black screen appeared and a pop up message “drive successfully ejected” came up.

    Then I’ve tried to plug in the Anker PSU since I’ve had more luck with it in the past even though it can only do 2.4 amps max.

    Result with Anker PSU:

    The DVD plays fine. For about three minutes. Then same result, a pop up that tells me that the drive was successfully removed.

    The Raspberry now does not have any cooling on it whatsoever. But since it’s not overclocked I don’t expect it to overheat within seconds or two or three minutes while only playing a DVD on LibreELEC.

    Moderator's PS:

    Alright I’ve solved the riddle of the DVD crashing. It’s really just the DVD drive not getting enough juice. I’ve solved this using a Y-cable where you plug in one end into a PSU and the other end into the Pi and the actual USB device (DVD drive) that’s supposed to be powered in the middle. Never was an issue on the Pi 3 but oh well.

    Now regarding DVDs the only thing left for me to figure out is how to hook everything up so it’s not just a huge mess of cables and adapters all plugging into each other.

    The only issue I’m still left with is why the stream keeps constantly crashing. It’s really weird because it is literally just the Pi 4 on its own using a wired LAN connection with nothing else drawing power except for the Logitech keyboard wireless dongle. I’ll mess around with it some more and if nothing works, I’ll open up a new thread. Thanks a lot for your suggestions guys, that helped me out a lot!

  • Maybe it's better to start solving the streaming issue first, because that is independent of external hardware. Provide a link to a kodi.log after a streaming error appears. Keep your DVD player unplugged while doing streaming tests.

    Wrestler7 IMPORTANT: Open new threads for each of your issues (DVD, streaming). If each RPi 4B freezer lands here, it will be a mess!