[unoffical] LE-9.2/9.80-Images for RK3229/RK3228

  • the mainline kernel works thanks to the work of volunteers

    Google also bankrolls a lot of effort around the Graphics stack in support of ChromeOS (Chromebooks). Most of the work done by Collabora has its roots in ChromeOS needs. Rockchip staff are also upstreaming a lot of the core drivers and board support. There is still a lot of work done by volunteers, but as vendors go, Rockchip aren't bad (better than most, worse than others).

  • Code
    Thanks ilmich.
    Works great for me.
    Just the led which is inverted. Blue when the box is off and red when it is on otherwise great job as usual.
    I tested v88mars but I will try another one.
    My box is MXQPRO4K RK3229. 1g 8g.
  • What kind of problem are you having with the Armbian multitool? I just flashed the NAND with this last version on my MXQ Pro using the multi tool... YMMV

    Here are some modified instructions from https://www.armbian.com/rk322x-tv-box/ :

    • Build or download your preferred Kodi image and a copy of the Multitool;
    • Burn the Multitool on an SD card; once done, place the uncompressed (i.e. no .gz extension) Kodi image file in images folder of the SD card FAT partition;
    • Plug the SD card in the TV box and plug in the power cord. After some
      seconds the blue led starts blinking and the Multitool appears;
    • OPTIONAL: you can do a backup of the existing firmware with “Backup flash” menu option; (this takes a while; 1+ hour)
    • From main menu select "Burn image to flash"
    • Select target device, probably "rknand0"
    • Select source image, should be the image that you put in the images folder from step 2
    • For the next question "Do you want to skip idbloader sectors?" I selected "Yes"
    • Once the flash is complete, remove the sdcard and select "Reboot"
    • At this point it should load Kodi disk setup, then reboot again to Kodi setup

    * Edited formatting

    Thanks for your reply.

    In my case, as I said, it is a RK3318 device and as expected multitool from its link cannot start on my RK3318.

    On the contrary I use multitool for RK3318 / RK3328 from this link and it works perfectly to install Armbian in nand, but I can't install Libreelec because it brick the device. https://forum.armbian.com/topic/17597-cs…-tv-box-boards/

    That is why it asked him how to install in nand with dd commands.

    Thanks again for your reply.

  • Flecky
    Maybe I am wrong or I misanderstood your problem, but...........
    Are you trying to burn a libreelec image made for 3228 with multitool 3318 on a 3318 device ?

    I suppose it is quite obvious your device is bricked after , they are two totally different devices and platforms
    322x ( 3228 3228a 3229 ) are 32 bit
    3318 is 64 bit
    diferent ddrbin different uboot different ALL

    If I misanderstood your problem, then sorry !

  • I tried absolutely all your last images and all of them work equally (16-19 fps), with the only difference being that sometimes led is working properly, sometimes not. Anyway I've increased performance via overclocking. So thank you very much for the great work.

    Btw, do you know how to return "Sync playback to display" options which is in the original KODI?

  • Hello.

    No, I am trying to install libreelec image rk3318 on my rk3318's nand with rk3318 multitool. But like I say it doesn't work. Brick.

    I simply took advantage of a conversation in this thread where it said that there were 3 methods to do it:

    -rkdevtool (I haven't tested it).
    -multitool (this method does not work for me).
    -dd commands (is what I'm really asking).

    Thanks for your answer.


  • In sdcard I have libreelec 100% working for my rk3318.

    In nand I have 100% Armbian running, installed with multitool.

    I want to have libreelec in nand but I can't install it because brick.

  • Flecky
    I misanderstood your request then my bad

    since this 3ad is for 322x maybe you want open a new post with this hybrid mode ( multitool for armbian for flashing libreeelc , it sounds good anyway )
    Just one question : the version of libreeelc for 3318 you are using does support nand ?
    for example here , with 322x , for reading nand you must remain on LEGACY KERNEL because no drivers for nand on mainline kernel
    When you boot libreelec from sd on 3318 can you at least see the internal nand ?? ( open ssh and do a lsblk or a blkid . do you see the internal nand ? )


    are you sure this 3318 has a NAND ? It should be a emmc

  • Not a huge deal, but I am guessing this can't be changed once I flashed it to NAND?

    If it will be flashed without changes in image - so yeah, most likely there won't be an ability to change device tree file, cuz the flash partition in RO mode by default. As long as the image is on SD, it can be easily edited from a PC.

  • I have the same TV Box - MXQPRO4k. I used the mxqpro4kpro image from ilmich last update. Everything runs great with 720p resolution. Still shows a red light when on instead of blue, but whatever.

    I solved the problem by putting an old version (LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.2-devel-20201121105345-2b69065-rk3228a-mxq4kpro) then updating to the most recent (LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.2-devel-20220112105523-3ce5dd4-rk3228a-mxq4kpro) and now the led works correctly again.

  • Hey, just found, this is awesome. Boots on my bad cheap Russian TV box - Iconbit XDS84K (1G, 8G, RK3229). Everything except Wi-Fi works, it seems, with the image: rk3229-a95xr1.img.gz from the first post. Enough for me to just daily drive it. I don't know of any forks and stuff.

    However, the UI runs at like 10-20 fps, which isn't all that good. Scrolling is a big pain. The videos work just fine though, and the player UI when playing a video is smooth as butter. Any fix?

  • Hey, just found, this is awesome. Boots on my bad cheap Russian TV box - Iconbit XDS84K (1G, 8G, RK3229). Everything except Wi-Fi works, it seems, with the image: rk3229-a95xr1.img.gz from the first post. Enough for me to just daily drive it. I don't know of any forks and stuff.

    However, the UI runs at like 10-20 fps, which isn't all that good. Scrolling is a big pain. The videos work just fine though, and the player UI when playing a video is smooth as butter. Any fix?

    Try the latest version from ilmich
    RE: [unoffical] LE-9.2/9.80-Images for RK3229/RK3228

  • Hey, just found, this is awesome. Boots on my bad cheap Russian TV box - Iconbit XDS84K (1G, 8G, RK3229). Everything except Wi-Fi works, it seems, with the image: rk3229-a95xr1.img.gz from the first post. Enough for me to just daily drive it. I don't know of any forks and stuff.

    However, the UI runs at like 10-20 fps, which isn't all that good. Scrolling is a big pain. The videos work just fine though, and the player UI when playing a video is smooth as butter. Any fix?

    Try setting the resolution to 720p.

  • sadly rk322x is not rpi4 :)

    so fast UI at 4k with all visual effects enabled is impossible.

    I suggest to stay at 720p for a better UI experience.

    in the meantime i managed to build an alpha version of libreelec 10.. it works quite well ... but please don't ask ETA :)

    Edited once, last by ilmich: Merged a post created by ilmich into this post. (January 16, 2022 at 4:33 PM).