[unoffical] LE-9.2/9.80-Images for RK3229/RK3228

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    Thank you.

    I appreciate the help, but I meant installation to the internal emmc. I am able to create the sd with image but looking to install to internal emmc.

    Thanks again

    I read Knaerzche post - you can't do this without Linux I think.

    BTW you can do this on someone else's computer under Linux.

    Use computer of a neighbor or friend for example.

    When I needed to perform Linux operations, I just took another hard drive and installed ubuntu on it.

  • It actually is possible to flash to the emmc of these boxes without having a Linux PC or opening up the box.


    This is multitool by Paolo Sabatino. You can flash it to a SD card and it will boot on your box. You should have a USB keyboard to control the menu options. Place img files in the images folder and this can flash them to the emmc. It hasn't been 100% for me so far. LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.2-devel-20200427213418-b7186bc-rk3228b-mk809iv.img is the only image that I've managed to get working when booting from emmc but LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.2-devel-20201113104056-2b69065-rk3228b-a8.img is the one that works with my remote control. If I boot that one on a SD card it works but it gives me errors when I try to use it from the emmc.

  • I've found that LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.80-devel-20200228170436-cd590c7-rk3228a-box.img works much better. It boots from the emmc just fine. I can't get the remote to work though. I can do systemctl stop kodi, systemctl stop eventlircd, then run ir-keytable -p NEC,RC-5,RC-6,JVC,SONY -t and I'm able to see the codes. They match exactly what's in the config I put in /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/ but when I start Kodi I am still unable to control it with the remote. Am I missing something?

    Edit: after a lot of struggling I finally got it to work. For some reason the keymap had become 0kb and wasn't being loaded when I ran ir-keytable -a /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg -s rc0. If you're trying to do this I recommend referring to How to configure IR remote control - Guides & How-tos - CoreELEC Forums

    Edited once, last by quickfast (January 22, 2021 at 10:28 AM).

  • I've found that LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.80-devel-20200228170436-cd590c7-rk3228a-box.img works much better. It boots from the emmc just fine. I can't get the remote to work though. I can do systemctl stop kodi, systemctl stop eventlircd, then run ir-keytable -p NEC,RC-5,RC-6,JVC,SONY -t and I'm able to see the codes. They match exactly what's in the config I put in /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/ but when I start Kodi I am still unable to control it with the remote. Am I missing something?

    Edit: after a lot of struggling I finally got it to work. For some reason the keymap had become 0kb and wasn't being loaded when I ran ir-keytable -a /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg -s rc0. If you're trying to do this I recommend referring to How to configure IR remote control - Guides & How-tos - CoreELEC Forums

    This is an excellent tool that allows me to fully backup my emmc for recovery and write images. Thanks for sharing. However, I do have a question on the installation of the image. When i look at the storage section of LE, I only see 328MB available. It does not capture all of the space in the emmc. Are you having the same problem with your setup?

    Thanks in advance

  • Hi kings322.
    I had the same problem that I managed to solve thanks to this:

    sd card - Resize file system on OpenELEC - Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange

    However, there are small changes to be made.

    You have to read the link first to understand and then do the following.

    At home it looks like this:

    Connect with PUTTY:

    cd /

    touch /var/lock/xbmc.disabled

    killall -9 xbmc.bin

    systemctl stop kodi.service

    umount /storage


    parted /dev/rknand0

    unit s


    rm 2

    mkpart primary 1081344s -1

    quit parted

    e2fsck -f /dev/rknand0p2

    resize2fs /dev/rknand0p2

    mount /dev/rknand0p2 /storage

    df -h

    rm /var/lock/xbmc.disabled

    systemctl start kodi.service

    Sometimes there are a few mistakes but you have to go all the way.

    In any case with me it works perfectly.

    I hope it will help you.

  • I have MXQ Pro 4k (RK3228A - android 7.1.2). I flash (balenaEtcher) SD card (8gb microSD+adapter & 16gb SD)

    I try mxq4kpro 9.2 - black screen & red strong LED

    i try h96mini 9.2 - black screen & red weak LED

    i try v88 9.2 - black screen & red weak LED

    i try h96 9.8 - black screen & red weak LED and after a while:

    *** Error in mount_flash: mount_common: Could not mount UUID=2802-5038 ***

    ### Starting debugging shell for boot step: mount_flash... type exit to quit ###

    Maybe I skipped something else?


    Working with alfawise a8 img.

    So my mxq have DDR2.

    Edited 2 times, last by karkow (February 8, 2021 at 8:12 AM).

  • Hello,

    I got a Rk3229 box with NAND, no SD slot card. Is there any way that the box can boot up LE? I tried rkdeveloptool for flashing img into NAND but no luck. Thank you

  • Are there some performance tweaks for mxq pro 4k (rk3228a ddr2, img from Alfawise A8).

    i want to use netflix/hbo but full hd streams is not smooth.


    Are there any video options in Kodi 18.9 to improve smoothness?

    At the moment i change display to 720p

    Edited once, last by karkow (February 10, 2021 at 9:01 AM).

  • Are there some performance tweaks for mxq pro 4k (rk3228a ddr2, img from Alfawise A8).

    i want to use netflix/hbo but full hd streams is not smooth.


    Are there any video options in Kodi 18.9 to improve smoothness?

    At the moment i change display to 720p

    RK3328a is too slow to play Netflix even in HD.

    Netflix DRM on Linux(LibreELEC) can only be software decoded with the CPU.

    RK3399 with a big heatsink can support up to 1080p.

    RK3328 can only support 720p and it has a much better CPU than RK3228a.

  • Взаимодействие с другими людьми

    I try - not work even with rk3229.dtb


    Hi UART.
    I have an MXQ pro 4K with an RK3229 and it works great with:


    It does not work with version RK3229 but works with RK3228A.
    It should work for you ...

    Go see the ...LIBREELEC

  • Thanks for the write up, but this did not work for me. I tried to follow the commands and some did not work.

    Thanks again

  • Thanks for the write up, but this did not work for me. I tried to follow the commands and some did not work.

    Thanks again

    You have to insist and adapt the command lines with your own material.

    The example I gave only works for me, you have to change the numbers "1081344s" and put yours that appear.

    I did not succeed the first time and by dint of insisting I understood how it worked and adapted to my box.

    On the link of the Raspberry it is necessary to understand the approach.

    It should work with your gear.

    Persevere ...

  • hello,

    I again have a remote problem / question :(

    I am currently using a image created by user Ilmich on my ex-android MXR4K box with a rockchip RK3229

    it is the image for the A8 bases off Knaerzche's mainline 9.20 image , but with the new commits and KODI V18.9 it is stored here : Ilmich's Google Drive

    It is working great on my box, remote buttons also work without me doing anything,

    HOWEVER , for some reason (and all my boxes have this) when I dare touch the VOL+ button on my remote's the box just shuts down. (it does this even without a function mapped to it, its some kind of hardware problem)

    So I want to do what I always do (and dit with the 9.2 builds) and I want to remap a button,

    However none of the methode's I know work for some reason on the 9.80 build :(

    when I do the usual ir-keytable, I get the error "no such file or directory"

    Like there is no IR receiver in the box ??

    so that method is no option

    putting a remote.conf file on the root of the SD also does nothing,

    using a kodi addon like "keymap editor" also does not work, it does nothing.

    the very weird stuff is that the remote WORKS :( I just want to remap one button so I have a VOL+ function,

    Can anyone here tell me how to do this with the 9.80 builds ???

    (I dont mind a dirty way of just editing some keymap table somwhere with nano via SSH, but I just cant seem to find where that file is)

    EDIT : I have put Knaerche's 9.2 (with Kodi 18.6) back on the box to test, and than my remote does not work, but I can simply copy over my remote.txt file and edit the rc_maps.cfg to use it and than everything works fine and I can edit the remote.txt file like I want to switch buttons.

    So I dont know what the problem is that in Ilmich's build with Kodi 18.9 the remote actualy works out of the box, but NONE of the way's to edit the remote keymaps work :( :( :(

    Knaerche, any chanse you can bring an updated build with 18.9 out ? (your build for the A95X works fine for my box)

    I would love to start building myself but im to clueless about where to start, if anyone would have a step by step guide for me for these android boxes builds , that would be great :)

    Any help is appreciated,

    thank you,


    Edited once, last by Hansie (February 20, 2021 at 5:20 PM).