[unoffical] LE-9.2/9.80-Images for RK3229/RK3228

  • I've updated my fork

    GitHub - ilmich/LibreELEC.tv: Just enough OS for KODI

    with latest widevine fixes.

    Tested with my alfawise a8 build (that works on my box) and works very well.

    Keep in mind that libreelec addons maybe don't work anymore because the official repository for rockchip rk3328 (but compatible with rk322x) seems unreachable. So, I'm building addons from source.

    Edit: build and some addons (for now only inputstream.adaptive) on

    libreelec-rk322x – Google Drive

    Edited once, last by ilmich (July 25, 2021 at 11:04 AM).

  • Congratulations on the great job ilmich.

    I installed your latest build on a friend's box (Mxq pro 4k) and it works very well (wifi too -> ok).

    On the pbc it says: txcz-rk3229-mxq-v2.2, but I think the cpu is a rk3228a; wifi: sv6051p. The box was sold as 4/32 gb, but it is actually 1/8 gb.

    The stock android 7.1 firmware was almost unusable; initially I flashed a rom with Android 8.1 (Avengers) and already the device worked much better.

    After that I installed your build and now it works really well, considering that the box is a very, very cheap Chinese clone.

    Great job, thank you very much

  • Thanks ilmich.

    I installed your latest build on a friend's box (Mxq pro 4k) and it works very well

    As you said, addons cannot be installed

    Can you create addon pvr simple iptv, to play m3u8 file. And docker addon, with docker will run other software if you want

  • hi ilmich,

    Can you help me on wifi driver ssv6x5x (ssv6256p) input to source for building? Or you guide me "how to add driver to source? Thanks you very much

  • I'm only a guy with some knowledge who can update his box and that try to return something to the community :)

    A great job was done by knaerzche with this project.

    admtpu check now... never used docker so I don't know I've built the right things.

    hongdat1106 sorry but I don't know. I've googled to try to find some source code but nothing relevant apart from the work done by the guys of armbian port.

  • Thank you so much :) :)

    again working like a charm on my box,

    Thank you,


  • Hi,

    How can install pvr.iptvsimple? can you share?

    Those files are also in the /addon folder where you download Iilmich's image for your box,

    I copy those files over to my box with SSH and than manualy install the addon from the file (I gues you can also just copy them to a USB stick and install on that way)

    you have to manualy install them because they are changed versions for this specific image.

  • Those files are also in the /addon folder where you download Iilmich's image for your box,

    I copy those files over to my box with SSH and than manualy install the addon from the file (I gues you can also just copy them to a USB stick and install on that way)

    you have to manualy install them because they are changed versions for this specific image.

    Oh, Thanks! I build for myselft instead of using Iilmich's image.

  • I'm trying to do a Libreelec 10 build with the legacy kernel and @knaersche patches.

    Now I understand why the developers chose to switch to mainline code and remove proprietary software support :).

    It took me a while to get kodi up and running (mali blobs works only with some glibc and kernel builds only with gcc 8).

    But at this moment, it's the only way to get my box working 100%, so I decided to give it a try and eventually share my results :).

  • Good evening everyone.

    I want to share my experience, maybe it will be useful to someone.

    I bought a cheap android box (€ 19.99) x96 mini to tinker and test.

    The characteristics had to be: 4/32 gb, Cpu S905W.

    The manufacturer is a genius: I will show you some unbelievable photos attached (of course they are original photos not retouched).

    Before trying it, I opened it, to actually check the cpu: S905W, but there was something strange, the chip was transversal compared to all the others (classic by Rockchip), but I didn't give much importance to this ....

    The stock rom works very badly, so I download some firmware for s905w to upgrade. I connect the box with the usb m / m cable, but the device does not connect.

    I try to update from sd, nothing. I try to install LE, AE, CE, but to no avail.

    At the end, I insert the build on the sd: LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.2-devel-20210719143419-37d171c-rk3228b-a8.img and the system starts !!!!! It's a RK3228b Alfawise A8 ....

    I am attaching the photos and for what it cost, I won't even send it back to the seller.

    Happy weekend to you all

  • Good afternoon everybody.

    Sorry for posting here, but I would like to ask a question since in this Forum there are very experienced people on the subject:

    would any of you be able to tell me what kind of box is this?

    The pbc photos are at post # 390; attached the screenshots made with AIDA and cpu-z.

    It's just curiosity, but I think it's a very strange box .

    A thousand thanks

  • Hello, I just flashed LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.2-devel-20200427220805-b7186bc-rk3229-v884k.img to a SDcard and the thing worked out of the box.

    I'd like to know if there's a way to transfer the image inside the A8 embedded flash.

  • Hi, I'm new here. Good I have an MXQ Pro 4k with RK3229 and wifi chip SV6265P, I installed the rom LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.2-devel-20200427213119-b7186bc-rk3228a-mxq4kpro.img.gz, it starts but wifi does not work. can solve it?

    I tried the ilmich rom but it does not work.