IR Remote on RK3328 box

  • Is there a way to make IR remote work on RK3328 Android box running LibreELEC? Am I missing something?

    I access the box through PuTTY and the box registers the keys on my remote when I press them. I put the appropriate files in storage/.config just like I do on an Amlogic box, but here nothing happens. After reboot, my box still doesn't recognize the remote.

  • Hey, easyb.

    I managed to get my IR remote working almost perfectly in LE on an RK3328 box.

    My box is R10 box. It came with an air mouse, not an IR remote. So I bought a cheap IR remote off eBay and got it to work in LE.

    All the buttons I programmed work, but I can't power the box back on after I shut it down.

    Is there a way to fix that?

    I can send you my remote.conf files if necessary.

  • It normally requires changes in the low-level firmware. I'm not familiar with RK firmware, but most ARM devices are dependent on closed-source pre-compiled blobs, which will rule out making any changes.

  • Hi Ant123. I don't think I can help you there. For me everything just works with the AlfawiseH96pp key mapping referenced in rc_maps.cfg. What kind of remote do you have? Is it an USB remote?

  • Hi Ant123. I don't think I can help you there. For me everything just works with the AlfawiseH96pp key mapping referenced in rc_maps.cfg. What kind of remote do you have? Is it an USB remote?

    Actually, yesterday I realized that the remote that came with my box has one IR key, which is the power button.

    But still, I can turn the box off with one click, but it doesn't turn back on.

    I'm not sure, but maybe it's because when my box is turned off, there is no LED at all. It should be red, but the light completely goes off.