Kszaq, I loaded the new firmware and now the box reboots without red led and dosent require power reset. Also I noticed that CPU core 2 and 4 were frozen and were not cycling as 1 and 3. The wifi is the same as before, just an empty screen for connections until I plug in the hardwire. Log file for review attached...Frank
Don't worry about CPU2 and 4 stuck at some value, this is a bug in how CPU load is reported with hotplug governor - when the reading is stuck, it means that CPU core is turned off to save power. It'll power back on when necessary.
We're getting a little bit closer to making your WiFi chip work, please try this build: LibreELEC-S805.m201d.arm-7.0-devel-20160522205800-r22955-gce3a3fa.tar