[] LibreELEC 7.0 for S805

  • I have figured out the CEC issue !

    To recreate :

    1. While a video stream is playing in kodi issue the below commands in terminal :

    pgrep kodi.bin | xargs kill -SIGSTOP

    (Then wait for about 10 seconds and execute the below command)

    pgrep kodi.bin | xargs kill -SIGCONT

    You will see the error message that the connection to the Pulse8 USB has been lost.

    2. Now navigate to your settings\input\CEC (using your phone or keyboard ect) and click on the radio button to "disable"...wait for 5 seconds. Then re-enable the radio button...wait 5 seconds. Now save and back out. CEC is restored!!!!

    3. I have captured the CEC command that is being sent when CEC is resotred :

    dmesg |grep cec

    [ 334.446269@0] [amlogic_cec] amlogic_cec_irq_handler(): cec msg status: rx: 0x2; tx: 0x0
    [ 334.447956@0] hdmitx: cec: CEC[4]: rx msg len: 2 dat: 04 8c
    [ 334.587782@0] [amlogic_cec] amlogic_cec_irq_handler(): cec msg status: rx: 0x0; tx: 0x2

    Whatever is happening in those 3 lines is able to restore the lost CEC connection. Now we just need the command to directly issue these commands rather than us actually navigating to the control panel each time to re-activate CEC.

    Kszaq...Can you translate what is captured there into an echo "rx 04 8c" | cec-client -s type command?

    Edited once, last by sammaz (April 29, 2016 at 9:37 AM).

  • sammaz ^^

    The part of dmesg you pasted is "device vendor" message received from TV, actually nothing to do with restoring CEC funcionality. No CEC after SIGSTOP-SIGCONT is a general issue, not specific to Amlogic CEC driver. You can read that someone has the same problem with P8 CEC adapter: OpenELEC Mediacenter - OpenELEC Forum - Retroarch addon by tssemek (2/16)

    To resolve this, we would need to have a SIGCONT signal handler in Kodi that would reinitialize CEC driver.

  • Thanks kszaq works great on MXQ with red stripe
    Any plans to do anything for a 4K box ie one with Rockchip RK3229? I see these boxes are cheap now

    This is completely different platform, I have no plans to build anything for it.

  • kszaq
    Your tip for editing the remote.xml file works perfecty. Thank you so much
    Before I used only Keymap editor addon for this purpose and I didn't manage to map one button for different action.
    Thank you once again for your help, and all development (OpeneELEC and LibreELEC) for our devices.

  • kszaq

    Are there any plans to develop LibreELEC for other Amlogic SoCs such as the S812 or S905 boxes??


    I don't have any S812 nor S905 boxes and I'm pretty happy with how my S805 box works so no plans from me. There are some OE builds for S905 boxes available on the internet and I know that there is Odroid C2 support coming for LibreELEC.

  • Hello kszaq

    So I have decided to try using my box to stream movies off my local pc. I have a mix of sd and hd movies/tv series etc and I can setup LE to see my media all ok but when I try to play either sd or hd my box freezes and I have to pull the power plug. I then tried playing off a usb thumb drive and again the box froze up. Am running the m201d build off sd card. Didn't try this with your oe builds so I don't know if it is related to just le or both le and oe

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    Edit : Just tried your latest build of oe for m201d devices and local network stream working fine so it's just le I'm having this problem with [emoji3]

    Edited once, last by Kiwi_man82 (April 30, 2016 at 6:06 AM).

  • I noticed while booting up first is shown OpenELEC, than LibreELEC and at the end KODI logo. This is due the fact that I migrate / upgrade the system from OpenELEC to LibreELEC and some system files are left behind? Best would be a clean install from scratch? Would that speed up a little bit the Kodi interface?

  • I noticed while booting up first is shown OpenELEC, than LibreELEC and at the end KODI logo. This is due the fact that I migrate / upgrade the system from OpenELEC to LibreELEC and some system files are left behind? Best would be a clean install from scratch? Would that speed up a little bit the Kodi interface?

    The very first logo you see is an u-boot logo. OE logo was flashed on your device by one of my early releases, I dropped flashing logo some time ago. If you want to revert to default logo (manufacturer-provided), you should extract logo.img from Android firmware, copy to your device and dd it do /dev/logo. For example, if you put logo.img to Downloads folder, you should execute dd if=/storage/downloads/logo.img of=/dev/logo.

  • I don't have any S812 nor S905 boxes and I'm pretty happy with how my S805 box works so no plans from me. There are some OE builds for S905 boxes available on the internet and I know that there is Odroid C2 support coming for LibreELEC.

    I went quiet on the Freaktab forum for S805 as I actually moved over to a S905 (mini-MX) box and it seems quite a lot more responsive than the S805 (all black) was. I tried it on OpenElec and it worked but there was a freezing issue and not the level of support that kszaq provides on the S805. I actually ended up going back to the stock Android (Lolipop) so that I could run both Kodi and SPMC with different builds. I could not have tolerated stock Android (Kitkat) on the S805 so it shows how things have moved on in a short time. If the S905 was supported by kszaq I would come back to LibreElec/OpenElec in a heartbeat. You guys here are so lucky ! :)

  • The very first logo you see is an u-boot logo. OE logo was flashed on your device by one of my early releases, I dropped flashing logo some time ago. If you want to revert to default logo (manufacturer-provided), you should extract logo.img from Android firmware, copy to your device and dd it do /dev/logo. For example, if you put logo.img to Downloads folder, you should execute dd if=/storage/downloads/logo.img of=/dev/logo.

    Thanks ksazq once again for your help and tips. It works like a charm
    The default logo.img from android firmware for MK808B+ is Google TV logo. Where I can find LibreELEC logo? I tried from update *.tar archive but this archive is without logo.img file.

    P.S. I have found in WeTek NAND release (LibreELEC-WeTek_Core.arm-7.0.0-update.zip) logo.img but I don't know if that is WeTek logo or LibreELEC logo? OK it's not a problem to transfer the logo.img to Download folder of MK808B+ and execute dd if=/storage/downloads/logo.img of=/dev/logo, but maybe you guys know which logo is in WeTek release...

    Edited once, last by LibreFAN (May 1, 2016 at 10:25 AM).

  • Hello kszaq

    So I have decided to try using my box to stream movies off my local pc. I have a mix of sd and hd movies/tv series etc and I can setup LE to see my media all ok but when I try to play either sd or hd my box freezes and I have to pull the power plug. I then tried playing off a usb thumb drive and again the box froze up. Am running the m201d build off sd card. Didn't try this with your oe builds so I don't know if it is related to just le or both le and oe

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    Edit : Just tried your latest build of oe for m201d devices and local network stream working fine so it's just le I'm having this problem with [emoji3]

    The main difference is that LE uses Kodi 16.1 final whereas OE is still on 16.1rc2. Are you able to connect to the box over SSH/Samba when Kodi freezes? If yes, you know what to do...

    Thanks ksazq once again for your help and tips. It works like a charm
    The default logo.img from android firmware for MK808B+ is Google TV logo. Where I can find LibreELEC logo? I tried from update *.tar archive but this archive is without logo.img file.

    P.S. I have found in WeTek NAND release (LibreELEC-WeTek_Core.arm-7.0.0-update.zip) logo.img but I don't know if that is WeTek logo or LibreELEC logo? OK it's not a problem to transfer the logo.img to Download folder of MK808B+ and execute dd if=/storage/downloads/logo.img of=/dev/logo, but maybe you guys know which logo is in WeTek release...

    There is no logo.img available with LE logo. WeTek uses WeTek logo (obviously) and you can't always flash logo.img from a different device as its format may be different. I remember that I created OE logo.img by first creating a 1920x1080x24bpp bmp file and pasting it in HEX editor to original logo.img afterwards.

  • I put logo.img from WeTek release, and now when my player starts I have first black screen for few seconds, than it comes LE logo, and at the end KODI logo. So I'm very satisfied with this outcome.

  • The main difference is that LE uses Kodi 16.1 final whereas OE is still on 16.1rc2. Are you able to connect to the box over SSH/Samba when Kodi freezes? If yes, you know what to do...

    Would love to be able to pull a log for you but unfortunately I have no response at all from the box, even freezes samba etc out [emoji17]

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk