Kernel panic and unable to boot after update

  • I tried to update from OE 6.95.1 to LE RPi2.arm-7.0-Milhouse-20160322183009-#0322b-g2f1b279 build and it resulted in a Kernel Panic.

    After that, I went back to my OE backup and I updated RPi2.arm-7.0-devel-20160321035214-#0321-g3ab346e.tar successfully.

    Is that .tar file bugged?

  • That would be strange. We tested that yesterday in the evening and had the same issue. We reported and Milhouse fixed it. I installed #322b myself yesterday in the evening without having issues.

    I'll report to him.


  • Thank you very much.

    That would be strange. We tested that yesterday in the evening and had the same issue. We reported and Milhouse fixed it. I installed #322b myself yesterday in the evening without having issues.

    I'll report to him.


    Sorry mate, I didn't realize that you changed the file in the downloads directory. You are right, my problem was with #322, not with #322b.

    I'm going to try the new version right now.

    Thank you mate.
    Working like a charm.

    Thank you!

    Edited once, last by Meiden (March 23, 2016 at 3:03 PM).

  • There was a problem booting #0322 (which is no longer available on the server) but the problem is fixed in #0322b, unless it's a different problem. Can you grab a screenshot/photo if it happens again?

  • There was a problem booting #0322 (which is no longer available on the server) but the problem is fixed in #0322b, unless it's a different problem. Can you grab a screenshot/photo if it happens again?

    Sorry Milhouse, my problem was with #0322 build, and I didn't realize that you updated the file on the repository after that. I've just flashed the new #0322b build and it's working flawlessly.

    Thank you very much and sorry for the confussion. My mistake.

  • Can't say if its the firmware but saw a similar issue on an old rpi 2. Got burning hot and would freeze after an update. The problem was due to a poorly designed nes retro case that underpowered it too long. Eventually burnt out the fuse permanently and killed it. Now it only boots up for a few seconds. Just so happen to all occur after an update. But it was the case's fault. Probably would have happened on any new reboot. Bad timing for me. I never noticed a power issue til it was too late.