Common DVB-T DVB-S dvb-c topic

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    But for libreelec to help beginners?
    thank you

  • Please forgive me for a basic question
    I have the K1 Plus Combo DVB-S/S2 unit made by Videostrong, however it will not decode irdeto csa block in cccam or newcamd.
    The picture will play for a couple of seconds, then revert to scramble.
    Other research indicates the models manufactured by Acemax works on Irdeto, but I have not seen anyone attempt to put Acemax software on a Videostrong unit.
    My same data works perfectly on an openbox.

    Within these libreelec discussions, I see reference to oscam and similar.
    Has anyone tried your versions of libreelec and oscam, on the K1, and been successful in decoding this format ?

    Many thanks

  • Uploaded TvHeadend, no change. All scan in DVB-T is fail. I tried also change stand period at 5000 and also at 8000.
    If someone have dvb-t working, please post his configuration.
    If there is someone in ITALY, we can exchange configuration. Someone wrote times ago that if we have a working system we can copy config folders, and it work (but I'm not so sure...)
    anyway, I'n not married ThHeadend. PVR is working well, the only problem is the LCN, so if someone know some workaround please post it.


    VDR works in Italy, as well as original Android image.

    You can also plug OSCam in the Android image and use it from DTV app.

  • Hello,

    VDR works in Italy, as well as original Android image.

    You can also plug OSCam in the Android image and use it from DTV app.

    Confirm. Dvb-t and dvb-s work well with vdr server (in k1 /k2) and vdr client. In addition you can find many guide for the Epg and logos.


    Inviato dal mio LG-D802 utilizzando Tapatalk

  • Confirm. Dvb-t and dvb-s work well with vdr server (in k1 /k2) and vdr client. In addition you can find many guide for the Epg and logos.


    Inviato dal mio LG-D802 utilizzando Tapatalk

    Yes, VDR work in Italy. But not very well. LCN don't work and I have a lot of audio drop, all problem that don't have the Android original image. Tvheadend fail the scan, but I was able to find some channel manually, and it work better than VDR. Quick EPG, no audio drop, and LCN. So I wish a tvheadend that don't fail scan, is a better solution.

    William Fanelli

  • i tested vitmod v2 rc6 with k2pro.dtb and replace rc6 enigma2 folder usr/lib/enigma2 with rc5 enigma2. the broken gui fixed. dvbs2 working well. i attached here some pictures. i use LAN Nework for internet.

    Use KODI first to telnet and ftp, use client like PuTTY, SSH, SFTP, WinSCP. User:root Pass:root.

    here from someone:

    For someone is looking for Enigma2 running on K1 Plus & K2 Pro. I already modified an image from Vitmod RC6. Its all works fine in Enigma2. Channel can scan very well. GUI already fix. But still looking for OSCAM. I already upload to my server but for your information its 3.7GB because it its an image backup from 4GB Sdcard. Here is the link:- K1 Plus Vitmod RC6 (Modification) Version: K1PlusRC7.img K2 Pro Vitmod RC6 (Modification) Version: K2ProRC7.img Thanks to Vitaly for great works. I hope @Vitaliy_S can make an OSCAM-emu working with Enigma2.

    Hello, have You tried to put OScam from kzsaq's builds LibreELEC?
    I 've copied one for You.
    ftp to Your image, generally You have to put it in /usr/bin, don't know for sure how it is for Openpli on Amlogic.
    chmod 755, config goes to /usr/keys/oscam.


    regards, Jefken.

  • Right now I am using LibreELEC-Amlogic.aarch64-KI_Plus- on my K1 plus because I want to make use of the build in dvb-s tuner.

    Everything is working great except a issue with the wifi.

    After a clean install the wifi is working. But after a few days the wifi refuses to work.
    If it starts working again, it drops really quick.

    Switching it off and on won't work. No playback is possible after that anymore.

    In settings - connections it won't show any networks.

    I read some where that this was fixed in the latest kszaq builds.
    But I can't use it because the lack of no dvb.

    Is there any one who has the same issue, or found a fix?

  • Hi,

    When you compile LE from kszaq's git, DVB is not enabled by default.

    I am targeting K1 Plus with DVB S2+T2.

    Does anyone have a valid kernel options/configuration file for enabling DVB ?


  • hi i loking in this link
    DVB driver - Post #88

    ..... I started with kszaq git tree for LibreELEC. Unfortunately its code source doesn't contain the DVB driver for K1 Plus DVB T2/S2 because it is closed source. So I asked Videostrong, and they sent to me the code source for the driver (AVL 6862).

    I am not sure if this is the right code, there are no Kbuild files in it. Would you please have a look at the following listing and tell me if this is the right stuff ?



    . .. 2.10.7

    . .. docs Readme.txt ReleaseNotes.txt sdk_examples sdk_src tuner utils

    . .. AVL68XX_SDK_Porting_Guide.pdf

    . .. AVL68XX_example

    . .. AVL68XX_PortingExample.c Linux VC2008

    . .. Makefile

    . AVL68XX_examples.ncb AVL68XX_examples.suo AVL68XX_LockChannel.vcproj.BJ.chenxg.user Release
    .. AVL68XX_examples.sln AVL68XX_LockChannel.vcproj I2CAgent.c

    . .. BuildLog.htm

    . AVL_Demod_Config.c AVL_Demod_DVBTx.c AVL_Demod_Patch_DVBCFw.h user_defined_function.c
    .. AVL_Demod_DVBC.c AVL_Demod_DVBTx.h AVL_Demod_Patch_DVBSxFw.h user_defined_function.h
    AVL_Demod_CommonAPI.c AVL_Demod_DVBC.h AVL_Demod.h AVL_Demod_Patch_DVBTxFw.h
    AVL_Demod_CommonInternal.c AVL_Demod_DVBSx.c AVL_Demod_ISDBT.c AVL_Demod_Patch_ISDBTFw.h
    AVL_Demod_CommonInternal.h AVL_Demod_DVBSx.h AVL_Demod_ISDBT.h user_defined_data_type.h

    . .. AV2011 AVL_Tuner.h MxL601 MxL608 R848_V25

    . .. ExtAV2011.c ExtAV2011.h

    . MxL601.c MxL601_Main.c MxL601_TunerApi.c MxL601_TunerCfg.h MxL_Debug.h
    .. MxL601_Features.h MxL601_OEM_Drv.c MxL601_TunerApi.h MxL601_TunerSpurTable.c
    MaxLinearDataTypes.h MxL601.h MxL601_OEM_Drv.h MxL601_TunerCfg.c MxL601_TunerSpurTable.h

    . MxL608_Features.h MxL608_OEM_Drv.c MxL608_TunerCfg.c
    .. MxL608.h MxL608_OEM_Drv.h MxL608_TunerCfg.h
    MxL608.c MxL608_Main.c MxL608_TunerApi.c MxL608_TunerSpurTable.c
    MxL608_Debug.h MxL608_MaxLinearDataTypes.h MxL608_TunerApi.h MxL608_TunerSpurTable.h

    . .. R848_API.c R848_API.h R848.c R848.h R848_I2C.c R848_I2C.h

    . .. convert_cpp_to_c.bat convert_c_to_cpp.bat Readme.txt Great job ! I am trying to do the same thing. I started with kszaq git tree for LibreELEC. Unfortunately its code source doesn't contain the DVB driver for K1 Plus DVB T2/S2 because it is closed source. So I asked Videostrong, and they sent to me the code source for the driver (AVL 6862).

    I am not sure if this is the right code, there are no Kbuild files in it. Would you please have a look at the following listing and tell me if this is the right stuff ?



    . .. 2.10.7

    . .. docs Readme.txt ReleaseNotes.txt sdk_examples sdk_src tuner utils

    . .. AVL68XX_SDK_Porting_Guide.pdf

    . .. AVL68XX_example

    . .. AVL68XX_PortingExample.c Linux VC2008

    . .. Makefile

    . AVL68XX_examples.ncb AVL68XX_examples.suo AVL68XX_LockChannel.vcproj.BJ.chenxg.user Release
    .. AVL68XX_examples.sln AVL68XX_LockChannel.vcproj I2CAgent.c

    . .. BuildLog.htm

    . AVL_Demod_Config.c AVL_Demod_DVBTx.c AVL_Demod_Patch_DVBCFw.h user_defined_function.c
    .. AVL_Demod_DVBC.c AVL_Demod_DVBTx.h AVL_Demod_Patch_DVBSxFw.h user_defined_function.h
    AVL_Demod_CommonAPI.c AVL_Demod_DVBC.h AVL_Demod.h AVL_Demod_Patch_DVBTxFw.h
    AVL_Demod_CommonInternal.c AVL_Demod_DVBSx.c AVL_Demod_ISDBT.c AVL_Demod_Patch_ISDBTFw.h
    AVL_Demod_CommonInternal.h AVL_Demod_DVBSx.h AVL_Demod_ISDBT.h user_defined_data_type.h

    . .. AV2011 AVL_Tuner.h MxL601 MxL608 R848_V25

    . .. ExtAV2011.c ExtAV2011.h

    . MxL601.c MxL601_Main.c MxL601_TunerApi.c MxL601_TunerCfg.h MxL_Debug.h
    .. MxL601_Features.h MxL601_OEM_Drv.c MxL601_TunerApi.h MxL601_TunerSpurTable.c
    MaxLinearDataTypes.h MxL601.h MxL601_OEM_Drv.h MxL601_TunerCfg.c MxL601_TunerSpurTable.h

    . MxL608_Features.h MxL608_OEM_Drv.c MxL608_TunerCfg.c
    .. MxL608.h MxL608_OEM_Drv.h MxL608_TunerCfg.h
    MxL608.c MxL608_Main.c MxL608_TunerApi.c MxL608_TunerSpurTable.c
    MxL608_Debug.h MxL608_MaxLinearDataTypes.h MxL608_TunerApi.h MxL608_TunerSpurTable.h

    . .. R848_API.c R848_API.h R848.c R848.h R848_I2C.c R848_I2C.h

    . .. convert_cpp_to_c.bat convert_c_to_cpp.bat Readme.txt

    Edited once, last by algdu83 (November 14, 2016 at 3:36 PM).

  • to build kszaq not going to add drivers, the problem in the kernel, was checking it, he kszaq knows this, but it is not known what causes the problem.
    I added the drivers to the 009, but stops at the logo amlogic.
    krzaq knows the problem.

    Edited once, last by segment (November 14, 2016 at 3:39 PM).

  • to build kszaq not going to add drivers, the problem in the kernel, was checking it, he kszaq knows this, but it is not known what causes the problem.
    I added the drivers to the 009, but stops at the logo amlogic.
    krzaq knows the problem.

    Hi, have you worked on the same code source than the one below ?

    If yes, would you please tell me how to convert it to a format suitable for the kernel ? (I mean with Kbuild files etc.)


    . .. 2.10.7

    . .. docs Readme.txt ReleaseNotes.txt sdk_examples sdk_src tuner utils

    . .. AVL68XX_SDK_Porting_Guide.pdf

    . .. AVL68XX_example

    . .. AVL68XX_PortingExample.c Linux VC2008

    . .. Makefile

    . AVL68XX_examples.ncb AVL68XX_examples.suo AVL68XX_LockChannel.vcproj.BJ.chenxg.user Release
    .. AVL68XX_examples.sln AVL68XX_LockChannel.vcproj I2CAgent.c

    . .. BuildLog.htm

    . AVL_Demod_Config.c AVL_Demod_DVBTx.c AVL_Demod_Patch_DVBCFw.h user_defined_function.c
    .. AVL_Demod_DVBC.c AVL_Demod_DVBTx.h AVL_Demod_Patch_DVBSxFw.h user_defined_function.h
    AVL_Demod_CommonAPI.c AVL_Demod_DVBC.h AVL_Demod.h AVL_Demod_Patch_DVBTxFw.h
    AVL_Demod_CommonInternal.c AVL_Demod_DVBSx.c AVL_Demod_ISDBT.c AVL_Demod_Patch_ISDBTFw.h
    AVL_Demod_CommonInternal.h AVL_Demod_DVBSx.h AVL_Demod_ISDBT.h user_defined_data_type.h

    . .. AV2011 AVL_Tuner.h MxL601 MxL608 R848_V25

    . .. ExtAV2011.c ExtAV2011.h

    . MxL601.c MxL601_Main.c MxL601_TunerApi.c MxL601_TunerCfg.h MxL_Debug.h
    .. MxL601_Features.h MxL601_OEM_Drv.c MxL601_TunerApi.h MxL601_TunerSpurTable.c
    MaxLinearDataTypes.h MxL601.h MxL601_OEM_Drv.h MxL601_TunerCfg.c MxL601_TunerSpurTable.h

    . MxL608_Features.h MxL608_OEM_Drv.c MxL608_TunerCfg.c
    .. MxL608.h MxL608_OEM_Drv.h MxL608_TunerCfg.h
    MxL608.c MxL608_Main.c MxL608_TunerApi.c MxL608_TunerSpurTable.c
    MxL608_Debug.h MxL608_MaxLinearDataTypes.h MxL608_TunerApi.h MxL608_TunerSpurTable.h

    . .. R848_API.c R848_API.h R848.c R848.h R848_I2C.c R848_I2C.h

    . .. convert_cpp_to_c.bat convert_c_to_cpp.bat Readme.txt

  • Hi there,

    How did you install this on your k1 plus? I burnt this on a MicroSD using rufus and then booted the box using the toothpick method.. however it just gets stuck on the Amlogic 905 logo and nothing happens after that. Am I missing any step here?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Sorry to bother you again. I did manage to run this from the MicroSD. What setup have you done to use the build in DVB-S Tuner?
    I could not get any compatible PVR addon to detect it.