[service.libreelec.settings] - missing check if Estuary is used

  • Hi,

    Default LE Setting Addon is dependent on Estuary. Without it has some bad messages in logs, cant be used-acessed from GUI, and maybe do other things which doesnt do any good with using other skins (includes in service-LibreELEC-Settings-mainWindow.xml).

    11:47:36  67.841087 T:1961553920 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: DefaultBackground
    11:47:36  67.841209 T:1961553920 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: TopBar
    11:47:36  67.841263 T:1961553920 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: BottomBar
    11:47:36  67.849884 T:1961553920   ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window videolibrary
    11:47:36  67.850266 T:1961553920 WARNING: Label Formating: $VAR[GlobalFanartVar] is not defined

    I understand, that its made for default skin. But there are many people, who stays on Confluence, which is still, basically default skin, not some 3rd party obscureness (and, AFAIK, superior to Estuary :saint:). I understand those things needs to be setuped somewhere and I am using Estuary for trigger LE Settings actions.

    But, as this addon cant be disabled later (and skin obviously could be changed), I really dont want it to interfere with my (other) skin (especially when its useless without GUI access).

    Please, could you add some basic try-catch, if the addon dependency (=Estuary) is fullfilled or not, before triggering addon actions? Or allow users to disable addon, after initial setup by users, who are changing default skin and are aware that addon functionality interferes with non-Estuary skins.

  • LE settings will need a major overhaul for LE10 due to Kodi finally shifting from Python2 to Python3 and our current aspiration is to completely redesign it rather than convert the code which is now 7+ years old and a little dated in overall approach. Until that effort starts "it is what it is" and users will need to configure in Estuary and then switch to other skins. Some skins do support it .. but not Confluence.

  • 'Can't find window videolibrary'

    'videolibrary' hasn't been around since jarvis - it's now 'videos' - so that's not a skin issue.

    If anyone wants to change line 11 of service-LibreELEC-Settings-mainWindow.xml that error at least should disappear.

  • I'll fix the videolibrary error - thanks for pointing that out!

    The includes issues is a bit trickier as this addon has an old structure to it so updating may be more challenging than rewriting for LE10. If I can sort out some of the errors, I'll push the fixes. Otherwise, it may have to wait for the new version.

    Also, I am able to open and use the settings addon using the Confluence skin. Is there another skin where the addon will not even load?

  • As an update - I have what I believe to be a working fix. It requires a new Kodi function to easily pull the skin name through an infolabel - so that is being tested. The fix will then ignore the unique Estuary elements when another skin is active. It's not a perfect fix as, for example, the pretty boxes and animation in Confluence will not be used by LibreELEC settings, but it should make it useable addon for making changes.

    I believe the test fix will be included in Milhouse builds tonight, if you want to try it out.

    LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0) - RPi builds

    LibreELEC Testbuilds for x86_64 (Kodi 18.0) - x86_64 builds

    I think it's the best we can do until the rewrite of the addon for LE10.

  • If you have tested this fix - please let us know the system hardware (generic, RPi2, etc), skin you are running and if you had any issues using the settings addon. Thanks!