build for S905

  • Quote

    Updating from or later (devel builds):
    HOW TO:Update LibreELEC - LibreELEC

    "For updating LibreELEC while using the Samba shares you have to download the file to your actual machine first and then copy it to the update folder on your LibreELEC machine."

    By "the file", does this mean the .zip or .img.gz?

    And am I understanding this correctly.. to update from my current devel build (last one before 007), I just need the image file only.. no dtb or other file needed.

  • By "the file", does this mean the .zip or .img.gz?

    And am I understanding this correctly.. to update from my current devel build (last one before 007), I just need the image file only.. no dtb or other file needed.

    Presuming you are running LE from SD Card , use the img.gz as long as the device tree currently used "is working."
    Re Boot and the update image will be recognised. Box should update.

  • Running from NAND. Still use the img.gz?

    Okay i see there is a piece of the procedure for NAND update missing or is confusing as far as .006 and higher goes.
    I am now too asking whether the img.gz copied to the Update Directory replaces the currently working device tree ?
    It is clear from .005 the fresh install is required to update but not sure what happens .006 to .007 .
    Wait for kszaq as i am on .007 Nand that was installed via ssh using working SD version.

  • I updated from .006 on NAND to .007 using the img.gz in the update folder without an issue so fa

    I am now too asking whether the img.gz copied to the Update Directory replaces the currently working device tree ?

    Thanks @Poida'
    Looks like the img.gz does not replace the currently working device tree when updating Nand versions.
    Thanks again.

  • My "Generic" builds do not automatically update device tree as it is impossible to determine which tree is used at the moment of updating.

    Ways to update device tree are disclosed in "To update device tree" OP section.

  • From kszaq:
    To update device tree

    • for SD card version simply download device tree and copy it as dtb.img to your SD card
    • for internal memory version follow instructions for new install using recovery
    • alternatively, for internal memory you can run this command:
      dd if=path_to_new_device_tree of=/dev/dtb bs=256k
      I copied the xxx.dtb to for example to backup folder with samba, and dd if=/storage/backup/xxx.dtb of=/dev/dtb bs=256k

  • Ways to update device tree are disclosed in "To update device tree" OP section.

    Just one clarification on updating Device tree after LE to Nand is already installed.
    This may occur when trying to test a different device tree in case of an issue.

    I interpret the below method as follows: copy the device tree to SD Card and run the command whilst in LE Nand ?
    This command will replace the installed device tree with the new one on the sd card ?

    alternatively, for internal memory you can run this command: dd if=path_to_new_device_tree of=/dev/dtb bs=256k

  • Just one clarification on updating Device tree after LE to Nand is already installed.
    This may occur when trying to test a different device tree in case of an issue.

    I interpret the below method as follows: copy the device tree to SD Card and run the command whilst in LE Nand ?
    This command will replace the installed device tree with the new one on the sd card ?

    alternatively, for internal memory you can run this command: dd if=path_to_new_device_tree of=/dev/dtb bs=256k

    When you update dtb at your sd installation: copy dtb to sdcard, and rename dtb.img, and restart device
    When update nand, copy dtb to foldeer (example backup), and ssh make a dd order, what already detailed, and restart.

  • I copied the xxx.dtb to for example to backup folder with samba, and dd if=/storage/backup/xxx.dtb of=/dev/dtb bs=256k

    (dd if=path_to_new_device_tree of=/dev/dtb bs=256k)
    path is "storage" , to is "backup or whatever folder" , xxx.dtb, "the new device tree" and the rest i now get.

    Thank you for the instructions as i didn't think my understanding was right.

  • Hi kszaq,

    I'm running v007 fine on NAND. Using Beelink MX64 (2gb memory and 8gb flash with 1g ethernet and ap6330 wifi). My setup is simple - unit connected to TV via HDMI (no external speakers, audio equipment etc....)

    I tried installing both latest devel version on SD and both exhibit same issue. Audio is completely garbled - it's completely unintelligible - difficult to describe but like someone is trying to talk underwater - it's also badly out of sync (as far as I can tell :) )

  • All movie audio seems to be garbled for me too, on 2016-09-25-devel-2 build. The 5.1 light on my amp flickers on and off instead of staying on, during playback.
    The "click" sounds of the GUI play OK however.

    (Beelink MiniMX 2G)

    Edited once, last by RowanDDR (September 26, 2016 at 11:29 AM).