Posts by cHarOn
systemctl stop kodi
systemctl stop eventlircdir-keytable -c -p all -t
then i can get remote to work but thats using lirc
but better then nothing, but i would really like if it would use amremote because with lirc the ir is not very responsive
tested the new build but no difference, seems like am_remote still not included
oh and another thing, your build has only access to inputstream.adaptive-2.2.25, but not a big issue because inputstream.adaptive- from coreelec works in your build
the build works pretty good, the only issue i have is that my remote doesn't work :(, i can use cec but i want my ir remote working.
It seems that the IR isn't even loaded, could that be?
I have a Beelink MiniMX III II
i did put the working remote.conf in the config folder and also used correct dtb.
Hi all,
sorry to ask, but does anyone know, if it would be possible to get inputstream.adaptive-2.2.27 for [] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X, or are we forced to use Kodi 18 builds, like coreelec or other testbuilds, which all runs not very nice in my eyes, compared to the good old [] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X.
guys for your info i bricked my device by installing it with touch /storage/.update/.nocompat and then installed, not a big issue i will install again kszaq image, this build has no installtointernal because i tested now with booting from USB Drive.
yes it is weird as i said i am on kszaq's build maybe thats the issue here, i am not sure, maybe wrxtasy can say something about it.
ok update didn't work
ERROR: LibreELEC-S905.arm- is not compatible with S905.arm hardware - update cancelled.
Current system: S905.arm
Update system: S912.arm
Update: Same issue with img.gz file
I have Beelink MiniMX III II S905x with 2GB/16GB
thanks guys i will try it internal
i asked if it is possible to update the internal memory because thats how i use my devices
yes to internal or yes to only external
just a short question, currently i use from kszaq on internal memory on my S905x devices, can i just upgrade to wrxtasy build, or is this build only running on external memory (SD-Card, USB Drive)?
great that you were able to fix it
thats the one i use.
Another question would be from which version did you came from? Maybe a fresh install would help?
Hi i have two Beelink MINI MXIII II and i have no issue with bluetooth, did you you also install the newer Device Tree? Because it sounds like that you forget to use the newer Device Tree
Youtube addon is not working. Twitch addon is not working... come on i removed android just to avoid sh1t like this!
funny for you i tested out twitch because i normally don't use it and it is working without any issue, same is for youtube which i also use.
Also next time when you post then i first would check out different things and try to get it working before coming into a thread and post useless information and attack a developer who make it for free and just for fun!
And last one, if you don't have any technical knowledge then please oh please don't use software which is labled ALPHA!!!!
Use one of the stable builds and if you have issues then first post logs and ask in a friendly way that someone can help you!
Latest Libreelec master + kodi master + inputstream.adaptive master based on John Galts tree. Let me know if you need compiled pvr addons..
Thanks for the update could you please build Vu+ pvr addon for your build, Thanks in advance
tested all 3 links, they work as they should