Liquidmercury go to the first page and scroll down to the emulator how to post by 5schatten and go to the ps2 emulator click show spoiler and it gives you a list of bios you would need. I think they can just go into the bios folder but there might need to be a ps2 folder created within that bios folder. I forget what I did and I'm not at home.

LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]
5schatten -
June 16, 2018 at 1:47 PM -
Closed -
Thread is Resolved
I can successfully load a game within Retroarch, however I'm met with a black screen when trying to launch from IAGL. When launching a game within IAGL, a notification pops up saying "Retroarch: now loading the frontend." then nothing but a black screen, forcing me to hard shutdown the machine. I've set System Type to Libreelec Remix and selected External player. Not sure if IAGL is causing the issue or RR.
Please provide a full debug log.How to post a log (wiki)1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging2. Restart Kodi3. Replicate the problem4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)
use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link -
Hi, i have no sound in retroarch via hdmi, i have only via headphones. I have intel nuc hades.
In kodi sound work well.
Can anyone help me?Thank you Robert
----- its already fixed, never mind
Hi, i have no sound in retroarch via hdmi, i have only via headphones. I have intel nuc hades.
In kodi sound work well.
Can anyone help me?Thank you Robert
----- its already fixed, never mind
how did you fixed it?
how did you fixed it?
changed sound output in retroarch to hdmi
- Official Post
Not yet
Hi All,
I could successfully install this Version on RPi and the games are working. I’m in love again with Duckshot 🥰
Can anyone give me a hint where to configure the N64 gamepad correctly? I did the initial config in ES but the buttons seem to be reconfigured when starting a N64 games.
e.g. Start and A doesn‘t work Does this have to be done in the retroarch.cfg?edit:
I came behind itWouldn‘t expect that to be so easy i was stupid...
Thanks -
Hi 5schatten! Do you plan to release an update including Kodi Leia 18.6 and component updates?
Thank you
Anyone here got any ideas on how to fix a no launcher defined error in Pegasus. I cant figure out where the file is that I would show the path to the emulator.
I hope this build gets picked up again I really liked the Pegasus implementation and would love to see where this project goes.
Me too, I have an tearing issue when I play video files. Probably because of the kernel version. This got fixed in official LE.
I've just switched from vanilla LE to RR on my odroid-C2 (directly attached to my TV, no receiver or any other thing)
Loving it so far but got two main issues I hope someone could help me
1 - I have 3 controllers attached to the ODROID and no keyboard. All detected and configurable on kodi. But none work on any emulator. Any clues?
2 - Most of my video files playback just fine, but realized yesterday that the ones enconded with EAC3 don't have sound. Never heappened with vanilla LE (tested the same exact files). Any other coded (MP3, ACC...) works just fine, so it's not related with the audio output or device not being selected/detected.
Thanks in advance
I've just switched from vanilla LE to RR on my odroid-C2 (directly attached to my TV, no receiver or any other thing)
Loving it so far but got two main issues I hope someone could help me
1 - I have 3 controllers attached to the ODROID and no keyboard. All detected and configurable on kodi. But none work on any emulator. Any clues?
2 - Most of my video files playback just fine, but realized yesterday that the ones enconded with EAC3 don't have sound. Never heappened with vanilla LE (tested the same exact files). Any other coded (MP3, ACC...) works just fine, so it's not related with the audio output or device not being selected/detected.
Thanks in advance
Trying launching retroarch, and configuring your controller there... for ES you'll need a keyboard to setup the rest of your controllers... See page 1 of this thread for default keyboard mapping in EmulationStation.
- Emulationstation menu = Alt
- Emulationstation options = AltGR
- Emulationstation exit = Alt+F4
- Retroarch menu = F1
- Retroarch exit = AltGR
Hi 5schatten, I've successfully made a RR rock-pi-4 image by building your master github code. I'm able to run it and it's working very well, but I can see LibreELEC add-ons repo. can't connect nor docker service installed. I guess this is because your master version is merged with the development 9.80 from official, maybe is the reason why.
Is there any way I could build any stable version of your code for my device?
Thanks in advance!
Hi 5schatten, I've successfully made a RR rock-pi-4 image by building your master github code. I'm able to run it and it's working very well, but I can see LibreELEC add-ons repo. can't connect nor docker service installed. I guess this is because your master version is merged with the development 9.80 from official, maybe is the reason why.
Is there any way I could build any stable version of your code for my device?
Thanks in advance!
I've got a Rock Pi 4b, I'd love to try your build.. 5schatten hasn't been around in while....
I've got a Rock Pi 4b, I'd love to try your build.. 5schatten hasn't been around in while....
Sure JimmyTheSnitch! here you are...
Since LibreELEC repository is not working in this version and there are some missing addons, I finally managed to install docker and other repositories from ZIP. I also had to config my 8bit bluetooth gamepad by creating an udev rule under /etc/udev/rules.d/
Code: 99-gamepad.rulesSUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="Gamepad", KERNEL=="event*", MODE="0666", ENV{LIBINPUT_IGNORE_DEVICE}="1" SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="Gamepad", KERNEL=="event*", MODE="0666", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}="1"
Up to tested, everything is working like a charm, roms added to /storage/roms/ and fully playable with Retroarch, maybe 5schatten might include it among its compatible device images.
HI guys. Will there any further update to LibreELEC-RR 9.x ? Kodi and Moonlight are already a little bit outdated.
Especially Moonlight stops working with newer Nivdia Drivers. Would be nice if someone can update it. Is 5schatten the only guy who maintaines the code ? This projekt is really nice and should be maintaned further. -