@balbes150 LE images with Kodi-19 for S9xxx

  • balbes150

    hello ... when installing pvr client and addon LE requires an addition

    "kodi.binary.instance.pvr 5.9.0"

    can even need to update the repo ???


    <img src="https://forum.libreelec.tv/core/attachment/3859-5-0-9-jpg/?thumbnail=1" class="woltlabAttachment" data-attachment-id="3859" id="wcfImgAttachment0">
  • Hi there, I have tried your image with my MXQ Pro 4K (2GB RAM, 16GB storage, rtl8723bs,10/100Mbps LAN FC-518LS 1747) with the green board and code hx_s905x v2.42.

    1. By using the device tree gxl_p212_1g.dtb, I managed to get it booted to LE. I have tried it with gxl_p212_2g.dtb but no success. Eventually, I only got 1GB of RAM usable. On Android, I have checked with System Info, free -m, AIDA64 and they both say the box has 2GB of RAM. Also on the board has 2 block of 256x4 memory cell, so I'm pretty sure this board has 2GB of RAM, not fake ones.
    2. Also, is the cpu_freq max at 1200MHz? I have heard that this S905x can go up to 1536MHz, is it right? So why we have to limited it lower than it can deliver? Maybe for stability or heat issues?

    Could you please have a look at my dtb.img extracted from Android Nougat v7.1.2, and help me to modify a dtb version for my box to get 2GB of usable RAM? Thanks in advance.

    Note: I have tried to de-compiled it into dts, but from there, I have no idea what to modify, as well as when I did some changes, compile it back to dtb, put in the sdcard, and it stuck at S905X logo :( It's not an easy process for me :(( Most of the differences between two files is this line:

    linux,phandle = <0x2>;
       phandle = <0x2>;

    So I wondering if I can change all of them to match with the dts from android version? How to make it recognizes 2GB RAM and cpu_freq up to 1.536GHz?

    And about the memory, I see this:

    ### From Android ###
    memory@00000000 {
       device_type = "memory";
       linux,usable-memory = <0x0 0x100000 0x0 0x3ff00000>;
    ### From gxl_p212_1g.dtb ###
    memory@00000000 {
       device_type = "memory";
       linux,usable-memory = <0x0 0x100000 0x0 0x3f000000>;

    Am I just need to change 0x3f000000 into 0x3ff00000 then my box will see 2GB RAM? Or else?


    Update 14/07/2018:


    1. The seller had conned me, item is on the returning way for a full refund.

    2. I have bought another box with S905X, using the same SDCard with old LE image that I use for the returned box, the same dtb.img file -> the cpu_freq is reading at 1512MHz. So for this matter, it should be something to do with bootloader or uboot or whatever it called... Is anyone have any idea? Thanks so much.

  • Обновленные аддоны должны быть построены и перенаправлены на репо. Вероятно, это произойдет в ближайшие пару дней.

    Hi, Chewitt :)

    Can I compile an addon myself?

    I tried to compile. But there are errors.

    LE for Odroid C2 is getting better and better. Thank you for your work.

  • Hi, Chewitt :)

    Can I compile an addon myself?

    I tried to compile. But there are errors.

    LE for Odroid C2 is getting better and better. Thank you for your work.

    You think so.. then its your Illusion i think. In reality it is not at all getting better. I still have Problems with it using LE just like any other cheap chinese Android Boxes.

    The good part with These boxes is that there are many users including many DIY devs who Keep pushing the fixes for them. But for Odroid C2 we have to depend on Wrxtasy, and he has not time for Fixing Problems. You have to wait, and thats it. Nothing can be done.

  • Hello balbes,

    I've read Leia can read UHD iso files, so decided to test your Kodi 18/leia builds, specifically tried the latest, LibreELEC-S912.arm-9.0-devel-20180621154753-5287365.img on a Tanix S912 TX92, and it seems to be working fine for mkv files (uhd & bluray) in the limited tests done so far. Unfortunately, when using this test build, UHD iso files fail to open with similar log errors seen in the 8.2.4 builds. I've tested millhouse generic intel kodi 18 builds & they are able to read UHD iso files...however, the generic intel builds I have tested thus far seem to have some work to go to get stable UHD HDR playback with dolby atmos/DTS:X. Any chance of getting the ability to read UHD iso files into one of your subsequent test builds for the S912? The iso that failed is for the UHD rip of Oblivion, and the log file is attached in case it can help.

    Appreciate your work on getting a stable Leia build for AmLogic devices.


  • Hello, you are doing a great job on Kodi.

    I just tested version v20180717.
    On this version I had several bug:

    1 - being French, my keyboard does not go in azerty despite the activation of the French option.
    2 - the bluetooth function does not work anymore. Can not activate and error message saying that there is no bluetooth device.
    3 - I also found that the CEC function was no longer working, I tried to change the options but nothing works.

    I came back to version v20180621:

    - the azerty keyboard does not work either
    - bluetooth works again
    - the CEC does not work either.

    I hope I have been clear because my eagle is very bad. And that I could give you a modification track.

    To re-read you

  • Installed v20180717 on a usb stick and used it on my tanix S912 device. After realizing the reason the keyboard was not working was because I did not delete the stock dtb.img file from the new test img, made it through the initial setup just fine.

    Since I requested it, first thing tested was reading uhd ISO files, and this version is able to open them now, thanks Oleg :thumbup:. Had done some research on the problem and am in the process of setting up a development system to use to try and get a test build from your amLogic_S905-kernel, libreElec & xbmc repos on github (used to build my own development/custom openelec images for pi's & xbmc binaries for macOSX a few years back...but those development environments are long gone ). Thought the problem could be an older version of libbluray was used, and libbluray-1.0.2 was not in your xbmc source, but the kodi log file showed libbluray-1.0.2 was being used, or that j2me was not enabled, so was going to try and pass the --with-bdj-type=j2me config option in the libbluray-1.0.2 src compile and see if that helped..curious if that was the problem with reading uhd ISO's, or if it was something else.

    Am having some audio issues with the UHD's, still trying to figure out an optimal setting. HDMI passthrough does not work very well for any Atmos tracks, but the default analog passthrough setting did work on the Saving Private Ryan UHD mkv file tested. The Oblivion UHD ISO was still having audio/video stuttering, and buffering issues, but was better using analog audio passthrough instead of HDMI. Now that there is an amLogic leia version that opens UHD ISO's available, will create some more ISOs and try more extensive testing of them. Will also begin testing the leia builds on my Minix U91 S912 device.

    Also, I have my amLogic stable 8.2.4 version setup to only boot from its external device (sd card), with the data residing on a partition of the internal storage. Maybe setting up the leia test builds to do the same might help with the video/audio/buffering issues. Need to verify, but my guess is that if I do that it will wipe/overwrite the data from the stable 8.24 build on the internal storage, since they're both going to use the same data partition.

    Oleg, your time & work on development for the amLogic devices is appreciated.



  • Updated version of 20180726.

    In this version added a "parallel" installation Libreelec with Android in eMMC (menu off "Reboot from copy to EMMC"). In this mode of installation, Libreelec is copied to eMMC without removing Android and can be run in turn from eMMC either Android or Libreelec. Due to the fact that Android does not have a reboot mode in LE, LE always starts first, to start Android you need to select "Reboot from Android" in the menu to turn off Libreelec and the system restarts in Android. Pay attention, in the copying LE in the eMMC completely remains the whole Android system (all modes Recowery, etc.). Please note that this is only a "copy to eMMC" test, it may be errors. It is currently only tested on the regular firmware Khadas VIM1\VIM2.

  • Hello, I would like to test this new version. Before I would like to know if in case of bug how do I uninstall Kodi from eMMC memory. Moreover you speak that this version is compatible regular firmware Khadas VIM1 \ VIM2. I have two android box, a Beelink GT1 S912 and a VORKE S912, are they regular firmware Khadas VIM1 \ VIM2?

    Edited once, last by Apollon16 (July 27, 2018 at 7:54 PM).

  • All versions that I collect are designed to be written to external media and the initial launch of LE is necessarily performed from external media using universal multi-boot (the standard firmware in the eMMC remains unchanged). If after testing the LE system from an external media you are satisfied with the LE operation, you can run the installation or copying of LE to eMMC. If you select "Reboot from install eMMC", LE will replace (erase) the Android in eMMC. Choose this option only when you exactly know that you will be able to restore the TV box when it crashes. If you select "Reboot from copy to eMMC", LE will be additionally copied to eMMC and Android will be saved as it is. Please note that the copy mode works only with the new version of the universal multi-boot (which is part of the latest images). Therefore, if you have previously activated multi-boot and want to use copy mode, you need to re-activate multi-boot using the latest LE images. In case of any errors in the copy mode, you can still run regular Android. I mean if the copying is not correct, only Android will be started. But since this mode is new, there are no standard situations and you need to be ready to restore the system using a USB cable and USB Built Tool programs.

  • Hello, Thank you for your explanation on the latest version. I just installed it. I see that my AZERTY keyboard is still not recognized as a AZERTY keyboard by LE. It's disturbing :(

    Do you think you can solve the problem?