Want To Install LibreELEC On Acer Aspire

  • Hi,

    I'm wanting to install LibreElLEC on an Acer Aspire computer. I was told this would be the best setup for running Kodi from this particular box. It is currently running Windows 7. I have seen where all the downloads for LE are for the various versions. But just not sure about the installation process. Could someone please give me a basic walk-through of the installation to a Windows machine? I'm assuming the hard drive would have to be formatted prior to installing this OS? And would it be possable ~ or advisable ~ to add a Kodi build to this installation after completion?

    I have two other Android boxes running Kodi 17.6 with the repository.slashing on them. But they seem to lag a lot and have streaming issues. I was hoping to run repository.slashing on the Acer to see if running it with LibreELEC would improve performance.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,
    - Dean -

    Edited once, last by CvH: removed piracy addon "build" (April 5, 2018 at 2:18 PM).

  • I've pretty much given up on the other two boxes. I bought those two ~ loaded ~ boxes not completely understanding what they really are. I see now why these things are banned. It's not what I expected and WAAY too much trouble to use.

    I'm just looking for a way to run Kodi on my Acer. It won't even install properly with Windows 7 on there. I guess what I need to know is how to wipe the old Acer drive and put LebreElec on it. I'm getting a lot of conflicting info. So I thought I go to the source.

    Can someone offer instructions on the proper files and procedure for doing this?


  • Do you want windows and kodi, then download kodi from kodi. TV and install it.

    If you want only kodi then go to librelec and choose x86 generic and build a USB stick from which you can install it. Beware you will erase all data.

  • Unfortunately, Kodi won't install to Windows on this device. And I was told Kodi runs better through a Linux OS. At least on an Acer.

    So the x86 version will wipe the drive and install its own OS, correct? This is what I'm looking for. And the x86 would be better than the x64?