Just noticed that if I Disable deinterlacing in System->Display settings. I get major playback issues. "Slowmo", skips/jumps, stops, audio sync etc...

[8.90.6]Playback problems and much more...:)
2re -
March 24, 2018 at 10:24 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
I updated it, the display signal is interrupted and not recovered before it comes to the KODI Leia logo on opening.
The image of the channels using the MP2 Code (SD) is very bad.
Best regards...
Done some more testings, And I must say I'm Impressed. This must be the best version ever.
The picture is extremely sharp, movements and panning is extremely smooth. The colors are just perfect.
Don't know what you'd done or if it's just me, but please don't break it!
Trying new LE 8.90.6 build for a couple of hours om my X92 box, playing local files from my USB drive, these are my observations:
1. I get no sound on 2 channel (stereo) from AAC 2.0 videos, with PT ON or OFF.
All other audio formats I tried 5.1 or 7.1, DD or DTS play OK, local on my TV or PT to AV receiver.
2. When stopping an SD (576) video and then starting a HD (1080) video I first get (at the same time on screen) the last frame from SD video in full frame (1080) resolution and another picture of the same last SD frame in SD resolution in the left upper corner of the screen. After a couple of seconds chosen HD video takes over and plays normally.
Yes, I can confirm thees problems.
Also switching to 4k 420,10bit >30hz don't work.
echo 1 > /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_all results with the same issues as in my first post.
hmmm.... what just happend???? After a reboot AAC 2.0 just started to work????
So what did I do?
Well I Started the Sky News plugin and it just hung.
Activated Open VPN to UK. An started IPlayer plugin and played BBC NEWS. Whitch also hung.
Rebooted and AAC 2.0 worked fine.
Hello, This version does not work. Black image / No Signal after the "LibreELEC" logo
(TV LG UHD 4K @ 60hz + Beelink S912)
Hello, This version does not work. Black image / No Signal after the "LibreELEC" logo
(TV LG UHD 4K @ 60hz + Beelink S912)
Anglais es-tu gentil;)
You probably have the wrong dtb file.
Use stable version 8.2
All 8.9 versions are only for early bird testings
I Agree, but there is not much to point your finger at in this version
For this release you need to update the dtb file.
Use stable version 8.2
All 8.9 versions are only for early bird testings
On this version, I have some bugs. For example, I have the image that shifts regularly a few pixels. The clock comes out of the screen randomly.
On this version, I have some bugs. For example, I have the image that shifts regularly a few pixels. The clock comes out of the screen randomly.
No such problems on my KI pro, sure it's not a skin problem?
For this release you need to update the dtb file.
Thanks ! But, How to do ?