LED (VFD) Displays in LibreELEC

  • It does just not work for me...

    Fresh installs of "LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2.4-Oclock-GPU.img" (even done once with your dtb.img file)

    Running install.sh from your "FD628 Display.zip" results with:

    Nothing on display. Rebbot

    Installing your service.fd628.zip (from FD628 Display.zip) -> nothing on display. Reboot

    Placed vfd.conf in .config -> nothing on display. Reboot

    Trying all posible driver configurations -> nothing on display

    Tried several dtb.img files for old kernel and the only time I get something on display is when I use your "gxm_q200_3g_x92.dtb". But then the display looks like this: Image

    In this case no settings can change anything on the display...

    I'm giving up :)

  • Sholander


    You can give up, I can't really help with that. There's nothing complicated about getting the new driver to work on LE 8.x.

    You need 3 things:

    1) The gxm_q200_3g.dtb from the zip I attached, as all the DTBs in that zip contain an entry the driver requires to load and work.

    2) The up to date driver\service from the same post I linked (on page #8).

    3) The vfd.conf file for the x92 placed in /storage/.config/ folder (It's 'Configfiles' from the SMB share).

    After a clean boot, with the most up to date driver\service from the post I linked, do:

    sh test_led.sh
    dmesg | grep FD628

    And paste the output.

    I also want to add that this driver I posted is not an 'official' or 'supported' feature. I decided to post it just to help those who are using old builds get their display working.

    Whoever creating these new builds based on 8.x should update their sources with the latest PRs to bake the latest driver into the images they post.

  • I did it now with files for "normal v.8.2.4" (not OC version) with correct files.

    After boot I get almost a correct display and this is the output:

    After running "sh test_led.sh" command the display correctly displayed time with no additional icons.

    After reboot it first displayes only correct time (no icons), and when Kodi comes up it messes up the display time and lights up almost all icons.

    Will try to fix this, but if not, the correct time is what I seek, icons are not needed...

    edit: Choosing "Defaults" in Settings for FD628 Display FIXED everything. And all works correct after reboot.

    Will try tomorow again with v.8.2.4_OC images.

  • Sholander

    8.2.4, if you mean the one by adamg, it should already have the driver built in, but anyway, good to see progress.

    The icons depend on the kodi add-on. Make sure you disable the advanced settings in the add-on configuration and the display should go back to normal. (if it doesn't, then reboot).

  • Yep, I believe that with this version by adamg, you can run sh uninstall.sh followed by systemctl restart fd628 and stick to the built in driver, as it is identical.

    Not all devs are in sync on the version of the baked in driver, adamg made sure that his build has the latest one.

  • I have the MXV + S905. Installed Libreelec 8.90.5 clock on the console did not work.

    1. MXV+ S905

    2. Amlogic_s905/dtb_file/S905/MXV+ at master · 150balbes/Amlogic_s905 · GitHub

    3. gxbb_p200_1G_1Gbit_RealtekWiFi

    4. FD650B-S 005CYL0002

    I'm working on adding support for I2C controllers, and need the original DTB from Android to determine which pins the FD650 controller is

    connected to. That way I'll be able to send you test versions when I have something ready.

    I grabbed the firmware for this box, pulled the DTB from it and got the data I needed from there.

    I'll ping you when I have a version to test, though.

  • Sholander

    8.2.4, if you mean the one by adamg, it should already have the driver built in, but anyway, good to see progress.

    The icons depend on the kodi add-on. Make sure you disable the advanced settings in the add-on configuration and the display should go back to normal. (if it doesn't, then reboot).

    I had a completely corrupted display on a Tanix Tx3 and finally found that if I configured FD628 service by changing

    "- Select which icon is to be used as the access indicator"

    to the power option in my case I got a properly functioning display.

    I have forgotten what the default entry was.

    Dunno if this might be relevant or not.

    Edited once, last by JohnBoyz: EDIT: Did a fresh install and did not have that option, so it might have been a left over from some testing with a devel release. Apologies. (April 3, 2018 at 12:14 PM).

  • Will try tomorow again with v.8.2.4_OC images.

    Tried again with my instalation (not new install) of "LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2.4-Oclock-GPU.img" updated with

    "LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2.4-S912-Subtitles-fix.tar", same as yesterday's trials.

    First uninstalled "service.fd628", deleted driver from .local/share and "vfd.conf" from .config -> rebboted.

    Then copied and renamed x92-vfd.conf to .config and run your "install.sh" from unpacked "FD628 Display.zip"

    It finished with "something" = 1 and BUM -> corect time was displayed! Finaly SUCCESS.

    Did not install service.fd628, because clock display is all I realy need.

    Just don't know what was going wrog yesterday. I know how silly and frustrating it feels when you know for sure that something works, but it does not work for a person you are trying to help.

    So THANK YOU VERY MUCH for staying with me at times of lost faith, CHEERS :)

  • Yep, I believe that with this version by adamg, you can run sh uninstall.sh followed by systemctl restart fd628 and stick to the built in driver, as it is identical.

    It did not work until I run through your installing procedures.

    Anyhow, that was just a test version that I don't intend to use.

  • Thinking back through the steps I did yesterday, yes "vfd.conf" is probably the reason. Not the file itself, but my stupidity; I think that yesterdy I copied the file to wrong folder, not like today to correct -> /storage/.config/

  • I had a completely corrupted display on a Tanix Tx3 and finally found that if I configured FD628 service by changing

    "- Select which icon is to be used as the access indicator"

    to the power option in my case I got a properly functioning display.

    I have forgotten what the default entry was.

    Dunno if this might be relevant or not.

    I just tried to reproduce this, but failed. It's much more likely that one of the advanced display options was the one that caused the problem.

    The access indicator lets you chose an icon to be used as a rudimentary "HDD" led, to show you when the box reads from/writes to its storage.

  • I'm looking for someone with the following boxes: "MXV+ S905" / "M9 Pro" / "CSA93" to test whether the driver will work with i2c based display drivers. Please reply or PM me if you have one of these and can help with testing.

    Support was added for the FD650 (actually for TM1650) and for the HBS658 chips.