Wow. How did you do it, only install JRE? Can you wirte a small instruction?
Add built-in Java support
gyuce -
February 21, 2018 at 4:23 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
Is this how it should look like?
yes exactly, at least windows kodi looks the same
Wow. How did you do it, only install JRE? Can you wirte a small instruction?
jre1.7.0_04 + libbluray-j2se-1.0.1.jar + few libraries from Ubuntu 16.04
Tested with Milhouse's build #0313, 14-Mar-2018
instructions: unpack addon in ssh console
Codewget tar xzf java-br-menu-Generic.x86_64.tgz -C / rm java-br-menu-Generic.x86_64.tgz
Note to myself: this will need new libbluray*.jar on libbluray bump.
Libraries from Ubuntu could be build on le but they has to changed from static to shared.
Also libbluray*.jar could be build on le but java and ant is required to build. Both could be added as a package (jdk-8u162-linux-x64.tar.gz, apache-ant-1.10.2-bin.tar.xz).
Iĺl try to test it in the next few days. It would be nice to include it in the final LE9 (Generic) release.
Thank you for your work vpeter
So I added apache-ant, jdk and jre packages and build compete libbluray including jar file which should be part of the image (+760 KB).
The only missing part are few libraries which needs to be build dynamic and not (only) static.
JRE addon almost done too.
Progress: Commits · vpeter4/ · GitHub
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Thanks for your help vpeter
How does this actually work? How the system environment variable for java is set so that the player knows jre is installed?
Variables are set from /storage/.kodi/addons/java/profile.d/java.profile
It´s working
It´s working
Was anyone in doubt?
So can this be used in combo with make mkv to play discs?
So can this be used in combo with make mkv to play discs?
I´m using the latest version from makemkv with LE 8.2.4. With the Alpha LE9 makemkv is not working at the moment. There is also a thread in the makemkv and in the kodi forum. And bd-j is only working with LE9.
Was anyone in doubt?
Not me
hmm, is there anything I'm missing?
Milhouse installed, jre at place, but no menus...
Enable kodi debug log and post it.
If I open br with java menu and without my addon I get some notification on screen. Forgot what exactly.
Maybe you don't have br with menu?
- Official Post
but no menus
not every BR is supported ! there are several BRs that have no or kind of broken support
Try it with simplified menu in the playback settings. Then choose in the simplified popup -> play with menu.
Try it with simplified menu in the playback settings. Then choose in the simplified popup -> play with menu.
I think that is actually the same.
For me only the Non-Java Menus work. All BDJ-Menus won't work.
I tested it with Fast and Furious 8 and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and it was working.