Remote power trouble

  • After some more testing with my S905/S905X/S912 boxes - I stand corrected.

    Two Philips TV sets are able to power the boxes from USB power feed ONLY.


    the workaround with TV set, controlling the box via USB power, is absolutely applicable,

    on one condition: no other USB power-hungry devices attached to the box. :)

    And - on S912 Android is not able to operate - not enough power, LE is working, though...


    there are two feasable workarounds for the H96Pro+ S912 boxes at the moment:

    1. Reboot from LE to Android and power off/on

    2. Power the box from TV USB port via USB A-to-A cable. When you switch off the box, the CEC will switch off TV, AV receiver(s) and etc.

    When you power on the TV (AV receiver) - the box will be powered on automatically and, presumably, boot into LE.

    Bare in mind that power feed USB port on H96Pro+ boxes might be only one - discover it empirically. ;)


    3. zed85 provides information for the ROM with working boot/u-boot, users test it, if it works - we all flash this boot/u-boot.

    Happy! :P

    It seems that's all, folks.

    For now... :)

    Edited once, last by ChimeyJimmey (February 4, 2018 at 2:41 PM).

  • Works for me, just tested, nice :) (USB A - USB A power off via receiver USB solution).

    The only thing is I have to cut off my H96Pro + box as it`s one of the 2 hidden USB ports... :)

  • Under LE is okay, it idles at 60-67 Celsius. If I run it on Android I have to insure my home - get highest insurance that covers the event of a fire... :))) It gets up to 98 Celsius during high load.

    Or I will have to mod my box, buy proper thermal paste and replace the heatsink with a bigger one:)

  • Same here, at some point I realized that we just want to have back the power off/on just because we do not have it, not that we would really use it... honestly, at some point the box becomes transparent, same like everything else in the house, it just works :)

  • However,

    I'm a bit old-school.

    I want, in my home, entertainment devices to be quiet, energy efficient and lossless as much as possible. And per cent, of course.


    this issue still bothers me.

    Well, not so much now, with the USB power control workaround... :)

    But inputstream/widevine failure to achieve flawless 720p playback, while S905x boxes can... This I cannot forgive on S912. Putting the box back in the drawer as cold spare... :)

  • Works for me, just tested, nice :) (USB A - USB A power off via receiver USB solution).

    The only thing is I have to cut off my H96Pro + box as it`s one of the 2 hidden USB ports... :)

    Ok, so power via say the TV USB port, will turn off and on, but it only works with one of the USB ports that are hidden? nothing easy here.

    I personally like knowing it is in a low power state, but able to wake up quickly from sleep. that wont happen with this method, but it is something. Thanks.

  • It could be the cable, who knows... For me the exact opposite side, opposite USB port works. Anyway, I plan of cutting my box open, to unhide the 2 USBs, not that I will much use them whatsoever but :)

    Else - I "solved" the problem by just leaving the box on.

    It idles now at 59 Celisus:

    LibreELEC:~ # cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp


    Well, dont like that too much, hence will change the termal paste tomorrow. Hope it will lower 5-10 Celsius.

  • What hardware revision is your H96pro+ box, green or blue PCB (circuit board colour), is it Alfawise or other manufacturer, share as much details you can.



    also I believe this still has not been answered zed85 please

    It's the H96 Pro Plus Amlogic S912. Not a specific manufacturer as I know of.