Is there any way to run LibreElec on a Nvidia Shield? Has anyone managed to do it? I live the Shield, but hate the Android OS it runs. It disables write/delete to my USB media drive and that is unacceptable. Please tell me I there is a way to get the Shield to run without Android.

Nvidia Shield and LibreElec
Ezriderz -
December 31, 2017 at 7:38 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
It should be technical possible sooner or later (no idea if with working GPU acceleration or not).
There is some work for Linux at Shield, but no idea how mature this is already. LE at Shield is nothing we consider doable at the moment.
So I came in 2019 to be sure if LE can install in Nvidia shield!
- Official Post
The Kodi app should do it for the Shield.
The Kodi app should do it for the Shield.
so LE not supported until now!?
- Official Post
so LE not supported until now!?
To my knowledge, it's not. There is no reason, because LE is a Kodi port, and Kodi already runs fine on the Shield.
To my knowledge, it's not. There is no reason, because LE is a Kodi port, and Kodi already runs fine on the Shield.
You mean as Android version..Right?
- Official Post
You mean as Android version..Right?
Yep, the Kodi Android app. Android has all the API's to do all media handling with excellent performance. There is really no need to build an own OS for the Shield.
- Official Post
Kodi on the Nvidia Shield's Android runs fine for me.
No idea why you would want LibreELEC on it instead.
Kodi on the Nvidia Shield's Android runs fine for me.
No idea why you would want LibreELEC on it instead.
Yeah I think it's enough! Actually i like Kodi in Android better than in HTPC
Streaming and video is more stable I noticed that in x96 mini with 2G RAM the performance is better than BeeLink Pro 4GB RAM!
Kodi on the Nvidia Shield's Android runs fine for me.
No idea why you would want LibreELEC on it instead.
Because google/android want to scrape all your meta data. Google wants your phone number or an email account for almost everything
I keep wanting to buy one until I consider this issue. If there's a way to load LibreELEC on it instead, I'll wait for that. Most especially because i want to backup my skin and its configurations including autostart scripts and mount points that map smb shares. No ability to do that with Android without rooting.
- Official Post
Because google/android want to scrape all your meta data. Google wants your phone number or an email account for almost everything
Google has at least a couple of 100 milion users, one way or the other.
Why are you so certain they will need YOUR data more than those of others?
I don't think they assign value to any individual's data at least not compared to another individuals. I think they treat all data the same. They want it all. Its not a competition between one person's data over another.
The point is that I don't want to be tracked by google or anyone. I don't want them to have my phone number. I don't want them to have my email. Once you start getting robocalled and can't get it to stop you'll understand. I don't want them to know my ISP. I don't want them to know my location. I don't want them to know what I am watching. They collect this type of information on everyone. So they can sell targeted marketing based on all those different metrics. Targeted advertising isn't all that bad, but whats really bad is that google has no accountability. If your information is used to do something horrible [I'll let you fill in the blank], there is no recourse to hold Google accountable. There's also no undoing the damage.
There is inevitably a certain digital foot print we all will have in order to live in a digital world, but I shouldn't be careless with it. I should realize that my information has value and that I shouldn't give that value away freely. -
Do you remember that Face-Morphing App? The one released a couple years back? It went viral ... people loved how it took a picture of you and morphed it, showing you what you would look like in 40 years. Then it was discovered it was made by a Russian company. Suddenly, Russia, with a database fully of the picture and other identifiable information of hundreds of millions of users [mostly american] became a serious national threat.
No accountability.
The Other Thing is you can watch Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+ and Other Services in 4k due to Android and Not rooted.
If you don't need this okay but die some Users this is one of the Things to buy a shield TV pro (Not the Tube).
The Other Thing is you can watch Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+ and Other Services in 4k due to Android and Not rooted.
If you don't need this okay but die some Users this is one of the Things to buy a shield TV pro (Not the Tube).
1) You misunderstand me. I don't dislike nVidia Sheild. I don't even dislike Google/Android. Google has pushed remarkable innovation and progress technically. My problem is with the indiscriminate collection of data and selling of it to the highest bidder. nVidia Sheild doesn't do this. Google/Android does.
2) The thing I like about LibreELEC is that it's very customizable. I have a Raspberry Pi velcro'd to the back of every television. I have created an image for the SDCard running LibreELEC 9.2.3. At boot, it automatically mounts, Addons, Favorites, Screenshots and Backup to network shares. These are CIFS mounts at the OS level. Completely transparent to Kodi. I also have setup each RPi with a static DHCP mapping from my router and then with an AutoStart script on my LibreELEC the hostname of the RPi is updated to reflect the IP Adresss that is assigned to it. What does this allow me to do? This means I can move the RPi anywhere in the house and it will have the same IP address and hostname. It means I can take a backup of one and restore it to another. The hostnames and IP Addresses are preserved. It means I can remove a damaged or bad SDCard from an existing RPi and replace it with a First Boot OOBE SDCard recently loaded with the base LibreELEC image and restore from a backup of one of the other RPis and be up and running with all my customizations in the time it takes for the restore. It means those backups will be in a central location to one another. It means I can download addons manually, to a central location, and install them to any or all the RPis and I don't need to keep the Repos in Kodi if I don't want to... (multiple repos with different versions of addons but tagged with the same version number could be an issue). Keeping just a few or no repos has performance benefits also. There are so many other things that I can do as well but here's my point. You can't do this easily with Android. You need to root in some cases. You definitely can't auto mount CIFS shares without an update to Androids kernal. You can do an SMB mount but not a CIFS mount at the OS.
These are not limitations of Nvidia Shield. I want an nVidia Shield. I don't want Android. -
1) You misunderstand me. I don't dislike nVidia Sheild.
No. I understand. You Like the shield but you would prefer using it without Android.
What I wanted to say is without Google the Play Store and DRM 4k content from those streaming plattforms won't Work.
Would be great If each Service would provide a DRM API for Linux so you could use them with KODi on every Linux capable device.
I don't know how DRM 4K differs from 4k. A Rpi4B+ plays [rather poorly] 4K content while running LibreELEC 9.2.3
A nVidia Shield capable of running LibreELEC 9.2.3 [currently theoretical] would most definitely play 4K content and probably outperform the same on Android.