Hi, I'm new here, greetings to all.
I am configuring Libreelec 8.2 in a Mecool KII Pro, I have it connected by ethernet cable and I had a lot of interest in using the tethering function, because the Wi-Fi Router is far away and that way I can save putting another device, the KII would make AP.
But when activating the Thetering, this emits the signal, but when connecting it does not assign IP to the clients.
This may indicate that you are doing a Router without DHCP and that it does not act as a transparent network bridge between Wi-Fi and Ethernet.
Say that my KII came standard with a ROM of the month of August 2017 and the Wi-Fi chip is "modern", with the v8.0 had no drivers and with the v8.2 yes.
With Android this function works perfectly.
Is this possible in LibreElec?
Greetings again.