Tanix TX3 Mini with Amlogic S905W CPU - Libreelec

  • Thanks for clarifying as a lot of Hoo Ha previously with this source code business made me cautious.:)


    I have running with the device tree from the original 8.2 thread. Would I have to do a complete reinstall if I wanted to use this device tree instead?

    And what functionality would then exist for the front display of the tx3mini?


  • Hi.

    Im trying to run libreelec from sd card. And i have dificulty to flash aml_autoscript.zip from link.

    The flashing always fails. Does anyone have latest how-to for runing libreelec from sdcard? is there posibility to run openelec from eMMC without android?

    Best regards

  • Did you decompress the image first before using dd?

    You have to copy device_trees/gxl_p281_2g.dtb to dtb.img

    Yes I extracted the image from the .gz first.

    It was the copying of the dtb.img file I was not sure of. Now I know which one to manually copy. ;)

    Thanks I will try again soon.


    Presently booting, and resizing Storage partition.

    Thanks again. ;)

  • OK, booted successfully, and set up the TV channels from the backend tuner server.

    Found I had to apply

    echo 1 > /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_all

    to get rid of the colour bleed.

    EDIT:  Found Community Build Extras which has a Deinterlacing toggle which seems to do the job. Using that now in place of above.

    Is there something I need to do to get the display to show time instead of 'boot'?

    Sorry for being a pest, but it is not immediately obvious to me presently.

    Edited once, last by JohnBoyz (March 24, 2018 at 3:02 AM).

  • Installed FD628 Display service add on.

    Copied vfd.conf into /storage/.config/

    Rebooted ....... no change in display.

    dmesg shows

    LibreELEC:~ # dmesg | grep fd
    [    0.000000@0] CPU: AArch64 Processor [410fd034] revision 4
    [    0.000000@0] fdt Reserved memory table:
    [    0.000000@0] fdt Reserved memory total:  456 MiB
    [    2.044092@1] 4500f0241100001e000000ff0031313332343633363631313531000000fd0037
    [   28.845365@0] aml_fd628: `' invalid for parameter `vfd_gpio_clk'
    LibreELEC:~ #

    This seems to indicate a misconfig in the vfd.conf file?


    The vfd.conf file shows

            <td id="L10" class="blob-num js-line-number" data-line-number="10"></td>
            <td id="LC10" class="blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line">vfd_gpio_clk=&#39;0,76,0&#39;</td>

    Thanks for the help.

  • This seems to indicate a misconfig in the vfd.conf file?


    The vfd.conf file shows

            <td id="L10" class="blob-num js-line-number" data-line-number="10"></td>
            <td id="LC10" class="blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line">vfd_gpio_clk=&#39;0,76,0&#39;</td>

    You have to copy & paste and insert in editor like this

    ssh <box ip>

    cd /storage/.config

    vi vfd.conf

    press i key for insert mode


    press ESC : wq

    Don´t use "save as" on website

  • JohnBoyz

    Do a grep FD628 instead.

    And systemctl status fd628


    You're supposed to copy the raw text from the vfd in the repository.

    LibreELEC:~ # dmesg | grep -i fd628
    [   28.845365@0] aml_fd628: `' invalid for parameter `vfd_gpio_clk'
    LibreELEC:~ #

    I copied the vfd.conf directly from your link and renamed it.

    I do not know what you mean by 'raw text' ..... all I can say is I did not introduce any formatting into the file that I am aware of.

    Hope the above can provide some indication of the problem.


  • I copied the vfd.conf directly from your link and renamed it.

    I do not know what you mean by 'raw text' ..... all I can say is I did not introduce any formatting into the file that I am aware of.

    Like I told You before - directly copy was Your fault

    Have a look at Your vfd.conf typing cat /storage/.config/vfd.conf

    Should be something like that

    # This file must be renamed to vfd.conf and placed in the /storage/.config/ folder.


    # Vorke Z6 configuration



    # [0] 0 = &gpio, 1 = &gpio_ao.

    # [1] pin number - kernel/meson-gxl-gpio.h at master · openSUSE/kernel · GitHub

    # [0] Reserved - must be 0.




    If it shows something like - You made it wrong

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  • Duh!

    It finally got through to me.

    (sorry I had missed your post due to getting the info to post)

    I copied the text from the site into the vfd.conf file and all is well.

    I have USB and Ethernet icons as well as time displayed. (just noticed the 'Playing' symbol there also when a stream is being played - nice)

    Thanks for your help AND patience.


  • then try a different device tree, plus of course as you know, you hold the reset button in, while you plug the power lead in

    If i understand correct:

    1.) I burn this image to an SD card with rufus: LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.90.6.img.gz or i need to burn this: LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.90.6.tar ?

    2.) Then i poop the SD card into tanix tx3 mini

    3.) I hold the reset button and get into the recovery?

    Then what?

    Can anyone write step by step guide?