Hi all.
running a S905X (named X96) from china..on a 42 Panasonic plasma from 2007 with a flirc2.
it works fine.
but I just cant seem to force 1080/50Hz in KODI. every now and then ( not every time... which is even more weird) my X96 switches back to 1080/60Hz. and I have to change to 50Hz again an calibrate...etc.. very annoying. and the only thing that is wrong with the player. otherwise it runs smootly. ( not using logitechs products - since they lag 0.5-1 secs )
50Hz makes my movies run smootly but when the player chooses 60hz by itself after powered of for some hours, the movies have small glitches/lags which I can see right away.
what i dont understand is that ajust to refreshrate is turned off. and the setting to 50Hz should!?? be remembered right ? but it doesnt.. something overrides the setting on kodi..
my advancedsettings follows.
I dont know what the issue is..
please give input..
is it something to do with hdmi ports ?
<loglevel hide="true">-1</loglevel> <!-- Disables logging -->
<skiploopfilter>0</skiploopfilter> <!-- For low CPU device use 16 or higher -->