Posts by Mopheus
Thanks chewitt, gonna give the latest LE 10 nightly a chance, hope that fixes the problem.... will come back to report.
Hi everyone, I have an Intel NUC6CAYH and I have some performance problems with WiFi (same happens with Lakka that uses LE kernel I think). I know LE doesn't fix HW problems, but the same NUC has perfect performance on Windows 10 using the same WiFi board.
Can someone point me on a possible solution for this ? Maybe WiFi drivers are the issue ?
Latest version 107 of this plugin is not working well on Intel NUC6 (6th Gen Intel), pairs fine, connects but I can only see "part" of the streamed screen, that part I see works fine, but 1/4 of the screen is missing. Like if it's streaming 720p instead of 1080p (my monitor resolution), any ideas ? Not sure what SDL version means, is there any other version to test in x86 ? This version works fine on Rpi3 by the way.
Tested on LE 8.2.0 latest version x64.
Pre-alpha code is frequently full of bugs and stability issues. So, err.. no surprises here!
I tested the ZIP version attached a couple of posts ago (version 2) and it works fine on LE 8.1.2 Beta for RPi. Unfortunatelly I removed LE 9 so I cannot test that version, but maybe it works. The one on the LE repository it's not updated or it's diferent from the one posted here, right ?
Hi, I've been testing this addon on latests LibreElec 9 Alpha (Milhouse) on my RPI3 and after successful pair, I select a game and the RPI3 just reboots Libreelec. Any ideas ?
Can someone point me on the right direction to spin up this custom version ?, cause I'm not sure how. Maybe I can do it.... or at least die trying
Actually, it's weird. <regexp>TV[\ ]Shows</regexp> worked but not on the main TV Shows section under Video\Files , but I had a "TV Shows" inside one of my drives and that one was ignored fine, so it seems the main "TV Shows" cannot be removed maybe ? Weird cause "Videos" and "Windows 7" drive were possible to be removed.
No good news, still having the problem. Boot the Brix and no Wifi on LE 8.0.2. Reboot and maybe it just works fine... maybe not. Like really random, sometimes I get Wifi, sometimes I don't.
Tried like this, but no luck. TV Shows still showing:
<regexp>TV[\ ]Shows</regexp>
No, it's not. Though about enabling it but shouldn't be my case and it used to work without it on previous versions. Will try anyway later... just in case. Thanks Klojum.
Hi, I've been having some problems with Wifi/BT on my Gigabyte Brix, I think it started on LE 8.0.2 but not sure. The main problem is that sometimes I boot, and I only see my Wifi WLAN0 and BT doesn't work (Both share the same card, a Realtek 8723BE). Sometimes BT works, but Wifi does not and I can't see any Access Points when I got the Wifi Networks, nothing is showing... like if WLAN0 is not being detected. Reboot, and again.... sometime it works both, sometimes only one... most of the time, only BT works... it's driving me crazy.
Things I tried: Deleted all my storage and started fresh. Followed the first time setup perfectly, configured everything, reboot a couple of times... and again, the problem showed again. Anyone having a similar problem ? Any ideas what to check to be able to identify the problem at least ?
On 8.0.0 I used to have 2 wifi's, the onboard and a TPLink external and both worked perfectly fine including BT from the onboard one.... I even was able to see WLAN0 and WLAN1 on the wifi networks, but since TPLink driver for AC was wrongfully added on last version, I can only use my onboard till they fix the main source and get a new version of LE, but I don't think that's the problem, although my TPLink is still connected, because I use it for Windows.
Sorry for the long chat...
Any ideas are welcome. Thnks !
Thanks ! Will try that tonight.
Hi marcvangend, did you compile a version of 8.0.2 with this push implemented, right ? Mind to share it so I can test it too ? Compile is not one my skills so far...
So once the PR is approved and merged do we need to wait for the next 8.0.x release to get this driver going or is there any way to get it with current 8.0.2 ?
Morpheus is from the Matrix, this is Mopheus from an old Van Dame movie
Thanks marcvangend, was considering doing that myself but wasn't sure how, so thanks.
Deleting conman in .cache folder solved my problem. In case someone else needs to fix some issue with Wifi, it's a good tip.
Hi, I've been adding several filter to my created "advancedsettings.xml" file with complete success but for some reason I cannot find a solution for directories with space. I can handle underscore path's, but not space, can anyone help me ? Should be easy but even reading all the wiki still can't figure it out.
For example:
Path: System_Reserved
Works with: <regexp>System[\._ ]Reserved</regexp>
Path: TV Shows
Works with: ???? (Tried using underscore but nothing....)
Sorry for my bad english and thanks.