Could you explain what you mean by "showing chinese characters incorrectly"
Posts by tokul
Thank you for your reply tokul.
I've tried that before. Disabling subshell with -u really brings described behavior and I can see hash prompt as well as output after CTRL+O
But i get used to do something under CTRL+O with file directory or editor/viewer on background (scripting/sqlite3 browse / etc)
As far as i understand there is no chance for that with LE under RPi4 ?
Setups that use busybox normally don't have mc. Uncommon combination. mc developers might have better answer than me or libelec devs.
'mc -u' will allow you to see command output. PS1 and PS2 vars will be ignored and you will get basic prompt.
By the looks of it mc does not like having busybox's bash as subshell. They had some tickets about problems with ash, dash and some terminals before.
If you run that script as root, it does not matter what permissions are set on device. You got rw permissions as owner. If you face permission problem in /dev/, you should understand why permissions are causing the problem and fix that instead of changing permissions on devfs.
Get new libreelec installation on other 8GB card. Teckie can get extra space by reducing size of second partition, but it is far more complex operation than getting new install and it is not worth the time.
Install fresh copy into new SD card and run from it. Your media library should be on other media device, if you did it right. It won't hurt to do basic reinstall as you can rollback to old version, if you can't figure how to transfer settings from old setup to new one.
Previous post about it -> RE: LibreELEC (Leia) 9.2.5
Install TrueType or Opentype fonts with Chinese character support in /storage/.fonts directory.
LibreELEC as Kodi is designed for HTPC multimedia, it's not deemed to be an intelligent network router/switch/access point device.
Btw, your auction link does not work for me.
Remove two last garbage bytes (%C5%82) from the link. It is some XCY Mini PC variant
Hello is this version compatible with the raspberry pi400? Can I use the add card from the pi4 directly in the PI 400?
Know your hardware. Pi 400 is just overclocked Pi4.
Raspberry Pi 400 review: Specs and hardware
As the name suggests, the beating heart of this device is essentially a Raspberry Pi 4. More specifically, it’s the top-end model, with a quad-core Arm processor and 4GB of RAM. What’s different (aside from the form factor) is that by placing vents, heatsinks and other thermal management infrastructure throughout the keyboard chassis, the Raspberry Pi engineers have managed to overclock the Pi 4 to 1.8GHz, as opposed to the 1.5GHz clock speed of the basic model.
If you "only use LibreELEC within my home network" why would you bother about passwords or open ports ?
"but only with a DynDNS service"
That points at not a local network access.
why dont you use samba?
Requires both UDP and TCP on multiple ports.
Crappy password security unless they stopped supporting good old case insensitive passwords.
those are ancient devices mostly. not very (honestly, not at all) helpful when trying to buy a Wi-Fi dongle.
LibreELEC:~ # find /lib64/modules/5.1.16/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ -name "*.ko"
ls -l /usr/lib/kernel-overlays/base/lib/firmware
Cheapo wifi doggles won't tell you chipset they are using. LibreElec supports devices recognized by Linux 5.1.6 kernel, if related kernel modules are compiled and firmware packages loaded.
For the life of me, I cannot find any information on what SFTP server LiberElec uses. Can someone link me to the wiki with information on it if it exists.
You are confusing FTP, FTP-over-SSL and SFTP.
SFTP is SSH subsystem. SSH servers support SFTP unless it is turned off. LibreElec does not have SFTP turned off. SFTP is not chrooted unless it is provided by dedicated server that supports only SFTP features and does not have SSH shell service active on same port.
Since you know proftpd, check their site. They got document there talking about mod_sftp and other related things.
attach drive, run blkid command and show command's output
or explain what you expect to see on drive.
Perhaps the Georgia Tech network is just a bit overly sensitive. Linux files are not very well known to be linked to computer viruses. It's more likely to be another false positive.
AFAIK, there is no issue with the .bin file of the USB-SD Creator tool. But I'll mention it to the team.
User is downloading that file from Georgia Tech ( They put web washer proxy in front of servers on their own network. Stuff is scanning inbound connections instead of scanning outbound connections from local Georgia Tech network.
I'm running LibreElec on a RPi2. A USB drive that I use to transfer files (the old fashioned way) is seen by LibreElec as a previous incarnation (Linux Mint distro) of what it is now. I understand that this has to do with the drive being mounted and that it has to be unmounted. I have successfully connected to the RPi2 using ssh but get the following when I try to unmount the USB drive:
LibreELEC:/ # unmount /dev/sda
-sh: unmount: not found
Any ideas or pointers? TIA.
check mount table before you try to umount devices. You might be disconnecting something that is in use. /dev/sda is only first detected scsi/sata disk. It does not have to be your usb drive.
I have the latest libreelec and i want to change the font because chrome show arabic words as boxes
I want to change the fonts in the linux not kodi
I hope you can guide me to change the fonts to font that support arabic language
X Chrome and Firefox display text based on availability of fonts in X windows. If you don't have some language specific code pages across all installed fonts, text is displayed as boxes.
Create .fonts directory in /storage (root user's home) and copy any ttf fonts that you want to that directory. Reboot to restart X windows to be on safe side. I did not check if X detected changes in fonts without restart.
DejaVu fonts will show Arabic in Chrome. Chinese, Japanese and Korean will require more fonts. Next fonts of choice would be non free MS core fonts, Tahoma, Arial Unicode MS and SimSun. SimSun will give Japanese and Chinese.
Same applies to other X based Linux graphics. Install fonts in your .fonts directory and X will read them. Probably does not apply to LibreElec ARM builds. I don't remember which fonts give Korean support on my desktop. Got handful of accumulated fonts in personal home and tend to install font packages provided by OS.
From packaging perspective LibreElec might provide DejaVu font package. Search did not find any 'font' packages in repos. /usr/share/fonts got only Liberation fonts installed with limited language coverage.
File scavenger. Free version shows what can be potentially recovered.
Recuva might be cheaper.