Midnight Commander Subshell doesn't work

  • Hello people.

    I've just installed the most recent build of LE for RPi4 and installed system-tools addon from official repo to get Midnight Commander but i am a bit confused with few things.

    1. There are no prompt within mc.

    And standard linux enviroment variables have no effect in mc?

    Where may i define cmd prompt format in LibreELEC ?

    2. Subshell output is not visible.

    I can execute command (like mkdir etc) BUT i cannot see i'ts output after CTRL+O.

    E.g. i execute "ps ax", then do CTRL+O and console appears to be empty:

    Same in subshell mode. But in subshell mode i cannot even see what i am typing. i can type "mkdir bbb" and directory will be created but no output at all

    Can this be fixed ?


  • 'mc -u' will allow you to see command output. PS1 and PS2 vars will be ignored and you will get basic prompt.

    By the looks of it mc does not like having busybox's bash as subshell. They had some tickets about problems with ash, dash and some terminals before.

  • Thank you for your reply tokul.

    I've tried that before. Disabling subshell with -u really brings described behavior and I can see hash prompt as well as output after CTRL+O

    But i get used to do something under CTRL+O with file directory or editor/viewer on background (scripting/sqlite3 browse / etc)

    As far as i understand there is no chance for that with LE under RPi4 ?

  • Thank you for your reply tokul.

    I've tried that before. Disabling subshell with -u really brings described behavior and I can see hash prompt as well as output after CTRL+O

    But i get used to do something under CTRL+O with file directory or editor/viewer on background (scripting/sqlite3 browse / etc)

    As far as i understand there is no chance for that with LE under RPi4 ?

    Setups that use busybox normally don't have mc. Uncommon combination. mc developers might have better answer than me or libelec devs.