Hi all, After installed the latest x86 os in my laptop, chrome is showing chinese characters incorrectly but the kodi inteface chinese characters is normal, need help.
incorrectly chinese characters in chrome when web surfing
tongpoh -
February 4, 2021 at 3:16 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Could you explain what you mean by "showing chinese characters incorrectly"
- Official Post
I suspect you need to edit Chrome settings and tell Chrome where to find some fonts that support Chinese charaters. I'd guess that by default it probably uses a minimal font that only has support for "Western" characters. I'm fairly sure Chrome uses its own fonts not the Kodi fonts (hence the difference).
I suspect you need to edit Chrome settings and tell Chrome where to find some fonts that support Chinese charaters. I'd guess that by default it probably uses a minimal font that only has support for "Western" characters. I'm fairly sure Chrome uses its own fonts not the Kodi fonts (hence the difference).
Chrome and Firefox on x86/amd64 use X window fonts. You could try viewing Demonstration of UNICODE to see results. Sorry for long link. Don't want to put link to own site with same page preserved. If user gets empty boxes instead of Chinese, they only have to install fonts in /storage/.fonts/. If user gets display garbled in some other way, then it is other problem.
Maybe I'll check libreelec on ARM some day to see what you got there. Last time I checked x86 build for Chinese support in browser, it had problem only with missing fonts and extra fonts could be installed in root user's home.
i just switched from windows to linux, so how to step by step install the missing fonts?
i just switched from windows to linux, so how to step by step install the missing fonts?
X Chrome and Firefox display text based on availability of fonts in X windows. If you don't have some language specific code pages across all installed fonts, text is displayed as boxes.
Create .fonts directory in /storage (root user's home) and copy any ttf fonts that you want to that directory. Reboot to restart X windows to be on safe side. I did not check if X detected changes in fonts without restart.
DejaVu fonts will show Arabic in Chrome. Chinese, Japanese and Korean will require more fonts. Next fonts of choice would be non free MS core fonts, Tahoma, Arial Unicode MS and SimSun. SimSun will give Japanese and Chinese.
If you still have Windows with Chinese support, you probably got SimSun font in there or Arial Unicode MS. Any other TrueType or OpenType font that can display Chinese will do too. I can't recommend Chinese fonts by name as I am not Chinese and my Chinese font support normally comes from font packages supplied by Linux Debian. My international font knowledge is only slightly newer than that geosites page and I might be unaware about latest free developments in Chinese fonts.
If you are not familiar with Linux CLI, LibreElec got system-tools addon package that has mc utility. It will give you GUI and it will come down to creating directory with F7 and copying files from USB flash drive to that directory. USB flash drive should be visible in /var/media directory once you attach it to libreelec pc.