Any repair options - wrong update

  • Coming of a red eye flight, I shouldn't have attempted an update. Ended up downloading the Rpi images instead of the generic one and placed them in the update folder and rebooted.

    Now of course its broken.

    Is there a way to boot into a usb distribution, mount the disk and apply the images manually without loosing the data in /storage?

    That would save me some time as I didn't bring my backup with me.


  • Is possible:

    1. Create generic install media and boot it.
    2. <Alt>-F3 to get the terminal screen.
    3. blkid to list the partitions. Memorize your system partition device.
    4. mkdir /tmp/mnt;mount <Your Device> /tmp/mnt
    5. cp /flash/KERNEL /tmp/mnt
    6. cp /flash/SYSTEM /tmp/mnt
    7. sync
    8. reboot

    Edited once, last by mglae: "untested" note removed (September 23, 2017 at 5:46 PM).

  • All recent LE versions have checking in the update process to detect current project/arch and if the update file doesn't match it refuses update. Did you update from OE (which doesn't have that)?

  • All recent LE versions have checking in the update process to detect current project/arch and if the update file doesn't match it refuses update. Did you update from OE (which doesn't have that)?

    I just placed the tar file in the folder and rebooted. LE from memory was version 8 already.

    I will try the suggestions above and report back if it works.

  • Should be possible, but the following is untested:

    1. Create generic install media and boot it.
    2. <Alt>-F3 to get the terminal screen.
    3. blkid to list the partitions. Memorize your system partition device.
    4. mkdir /tmp/mnt;mount <Your Device> /tmp/mnt
    5. cp /flash/KERNEL /tmp/mnt
    6. cp /flash/SYSTEM /tmp/mnt
    7. sync
    8. reboot

    Now it is tested! It worked well. Thanks