Lost Samba access?

  • All of a sudden I can't access the samba share on Libreelec on my Odroid C2. I can see the samba share, but it asks for a user and password when it never did before. If I try root/libreelec it doesn't work.

    If I go into the Libreelec settings and enable the password authentication setting then the samba share actually disappears.

    Everything else seems fine except for this issue that mysteriously appeared since the last time I checked a week or so ago?

  • More info please. Which build/version are you now using? Any (version) changes made lately? A Windows update perhaps?

    Be advised, that upcoming LibreELEC builds will require you to put passwords on your SMB shares, as higher SMB-versions are becoming default for support. It's all part of the WannaCry debacle from a few months ago.

  • It is about accessing LE shares like Downloads, Update, ... It happens with LE master.

    Update: I was using old samba.conf file. After copying again from /etc samba works.

  • I'm using Raybuntu's latest 16.2 release on Odroid C2. I had it working fine just using guest access, but now I simply cannot get to the samba shares. It is asking for a user/pass and nothing that i try works. If change the settings in the Libreelece Settings > Services to requiring a password the Samba share disappears sometimes and/or it doesn't accept the user/pass that I define in those settings.

    I've tested it from 3 different computers on my internal LAN (one linux, and two Windows 10 machines) and none of them can access the samba share. So I'm confident it is not a client-side issue.