[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X

  • Hi,

    I have just installed LE8.2.1.1 on my new Mecool M8sPro+. S905X box. Everything went fine except Tvheadend HTSP client which cannot start.

    This is in the Kodi.log

    21:51:54.076 T:3788727200   ERROR: Unable to load /storage/.kodi/addons/pvr.hts/pvr.hts.so.3.4.27, reason: /storage/.kodi/addons/pvr.hts/pvr.hts.so.3.4.27: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
    21:52:04.774 T:3788727200   ERROR: UpdateAddons - failed to create add-on Tvheadend HTSP Client, status = 6

    How could I get rid of this problem?

  • sakos Have you installed TvHeadend from LE repo? You should have.

    Thanks for your response. The addon was installed from the LE repo.

    I tested again after a clean install and it works fine. It seems the root cause of the problem was that I recovered an LE full backup which was created on an x86 platform before.

  • This is not so.

    Amlogic S905, S905X great outputs 192/24 on optics SPDIF (TOSLINK), starting with version 7.0.X. (see pic.1)

    My report -> [8.0.2e] LibreELEC 8.0 for S905/S905X

    In recent releases of 8.1.x ower USB can be output to the DAC the frequency of 352.8 khz and 384khz - (see pic.2)

    It works on all my players, and a few of my devices DAC.

    , I don't know how to say it ... it's woooooorking!!! Finally!!! I have 24/192 over optical digital output! Yessir! I'm so happy ... :)

    Just because you are seeing XXXkHz on your DAC/AVR doesn't mean that you are actually getting 24-bit/XXXkHz output. It only means that there is no downsampling.

    I don't think any of the Amlogic SoC's actually output 24-bit depth PCM. It is being dithered to 16-bit. The SoC's may be capable of 24-bit outut, but there is probably something in kernel that isn't right.

    I have looked at the channel status bits in the audio InfoFrame of the HDMI output and it is only set to 16-bit word. One could argue that it is just that the channel status bit is not set correctly and the output is actually 24-bit. I tested this out by recording the PCM output of Minix U1 (LibreELEC, Intel Haswell (Milhouse LibreELEC 9 build) and nVIDIA Shield. The source was a 1 min long 24-bit 192kHz WAV. PCM output from the devices was recorded using a 24-bit 192kHz capable Magewell HDMI capture card. Recorded output was analyzed in Adobe Audition and MusicScope for bit depth. The screenshots on the left side show the Amplitude Statistics. You will find the actual measured bit depth of the recorded pcm. The screenshots on the right side show the bit monitor analysis report from MusicScope software. The rectangles represent bits. Unused bits are in blue, red colored bits do not contribute to the SNR and are considered to be noise. The bits vary in grayscale intensity depending on usage (highly used ones are white).

    Original Wav

    Omc880Tm.png    AOsemc4l.png  

    Minix U1

    eFHantpm.png    0LN2LYrl.png


    1Y8tyUrm.png      PtRqpGil.png

    nVIDIA Shield

    bWArsHPm.png        EivRFBam.png

    The conclusion that I can draw from the test is Minix U1 output has only 16-bit audio depth. Intel and Shield outputs do have 24-bit depth. I have only looked at the HDMI output. I can't think the SPDIF output will be any different. It is possible that USB output is different.

    Edited 2 times, last by wesk05: typos corrected. (November 26, 2017 at 7:58 AM).

  • Hello ,people! Im glad this project exist and LE is awesome . I put it on few andoird boxes with s905x and its work like a dream . This days i have new toy with 905x with awesome speed and terrible android rom.For the first time i see unit that cant play good 4k even with stock player. Model is m96x vbox-looks like transformers toy. I try every single method to boot to LE and unit just freeze on 905 logo. I try to boot to TWRP to install ,but no chance to boot anyway. I have 4 boxes of those i cant return it,i didnot see where i cant find maker to ask him for new software and LE is my only alternative

  • Hello ,people! Im glad this project exist and LE is awesome . I put it on few andoird boxes with s905x and its work like a dream . This days i have new toy with 905x with awesome speed and terrible android rom.For the first time i see unit that cant play good 4k even with stock player. Model is m96x vbox-looks like transformers toy. I try every single method to boot to LE and unit just freeze on 905 logo. I try to boot to TWRP to install ,but no chance to boot anyway. I have 4 boxes of those i cant return it,i didnot see where i cant find maker to ask him for new software and LE is my only alternative

    Although not Libreelec you could try FTMC Jarvis 16.2.31 - FreakTab.com

    Or, have you tried Alpha versions of Kodi Leia?

  • Ok i se where is the problem probably,i never see this before but board is s905031. Can someone help me to find device tree from this model or original firmware or something that this model good. I mean memory speed is awesome ,model is really fast ,no so much problems with 1080 ,but...LE is much better and i want 4k on this device

  • Hello ,people! Im glad this project exist and LE is awesome . I put it on few andoird boxes with s905x and its work like a dream . This days i have new toy with 905x with awesome speed and terrible android rom.For the first time i see unit that cant play good 4k even with stock player. Model is m96x vbox-looks like transformers toy. I try every single method to boot to LE and unit just freeze on 905 logo. I try to boot to TWRP to install ,but no chance to boot anyway. I have 4 boxes of those i cant return it,i didnot see where i cant find maker to ask him for new software and LE is my only alternative

    According to this video:

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    it can play 4k video.

    Check your cable or tv or open the box and check the cpu to see if not a fake box you have.

    You can try all the dtbs even the S905 ones and the 1GB versions.