Video randomly freezes for a few seconds then continues

  • Hi,

    So i guess ever since the latest (2) libreelec updates i have noticed that a video is playing and the picture freezes sometimes for about 3-5 seconds and then unfreezes and continues. While the picture is frozen the audio continues as normal.

    I have experienced this both in at least last two official libreelec versions (i.e.:8.0.2) downloaded here and also in the latest Vpeter community build (ibreELEC-imx6.arm-8.0.2-3.14-sr).

    I use a cubox-i4 pro.

    Anyone else experience these issues?


  • I am experiencing that also, including random screen refreshes (switches between 24 frames and 60 frames).

    I removed all network stuff (buffering etc) from advancedsettings.xml and cleared from all ethtool settings. That seems to work for me right now, although there are still micro freezes (fraction of a second) every now and then.

  • FYI, there is no need to go the tourist route via Dropbox, LibreELEC has a built-in pastebinit command.

    20:13:06.143 T:3033514560 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.slashing

    Also, using blacklisted repositories will stop any support from LibreELEC and Kodi.

    Very helpfull. As expected here. I have no blacklisted addon installed so yeah its very nice to give a non answer based on such bullshit.

    You could've gone even easier with your answer: Whatever we broke in the latest release is not a bug but a feature. Or maybe the classic RTFM.

    Gotta love the attitude of such high and mighty developers who are looking to help the community. Its a much better answer then i don't know maybe trying to fix whatever you guys broke in the last releases. I guess its more convenient to say that i have a blacklisted repo which i don't even use (again i have no banned addons installed) and then leave it at that and not give a damn about the errors that were introduced in the latest builds which as seen by the previous poster is also affecting others. Cool attitude.

    Thanks for nothing bub.

  • Banned addons are known to have implications on Kodi's internal workings resulting in whatever problems, besides all the legal/illegal bullshit.

    Kodi takes a stance on what it deems illegal addons. If you don't like that, tough luck. Our product, our forum, our rules.