[TESTING][S905(X)] 10bit/HDR/Dithering Test Builds & Discussion

  • In your box u-boot starts in 720p mode, LE is trying to use it causing unsynchronised picture.

    You can verify and fixed it via setting environment variables 'hdmimode' and 'outputmode'.

    fw_printenv hdmimode
    fw_printenv outputmode
    fw_setenv hdmimode 1080p60hz
    fw_setenv outputmode 1080p60hz
  • plikmuny ssh into your box and run those commands (top to verify, bottom to set). That tearing photo is also nothing like what I expected when you mentioned it awhile back; I expected "screen tearing" in the traditional sense.

    mmpp I'll fix the rgb issue in the next build (know the issue).

    olive069 S912 support is easy on both the LE9 and LE8 branches, there's just one patch I need to update to fix the build.

  • johngalt


    I am using this version 9.0.0-testing6. I installed Netflix and Amazon. It runs, but sometime I have video and audio stuttering and video and audio are asyncron. After a few seconds (30 seconds) it works again. Any soultion/idea for this?

  • johngalt


    I am using this version 9.0.0-testing6. I installed Netflix and Amazon. It runs, but sometime I have video and audio stuttering and video and audio are asyncron. After a few seconds (30 seconds) it works again. Any soultion/idea for this?

    Not currently. This is something that may improve over time. On these devices, netflix and amazon aren't hardware accelerated.

    Edited once, last by johngalt (July 19, 2017 at 12:21 AM).

  • Not currently. This is something that may improve over time. On these devices, netflix and amazon aren't hardware accelerated.

    A word of warning for those contemplating the purchase of AML S912 boxes for LibreELEC - going forward into Kodi Leia & using DRM Netflix and Amazon Video.

    Because of the hacky GPU video drivers used with LE/AML S912, any Software decoding which is needed for Netflix and Amazon Video will have stuttering playback and picture tearing. This is something that is not going to improve if using this S912 combo - there is not even a solution on the horizon.

  • A word of warning for those contemplating the purchase of AML S912 boxes for LibreELEC - going forward into Kodi Leia & using DRM Netflix and Amazon Video.

    Because of the hacky GPU video drivers used with LE/AML S912, any Software decoding which is needed for Netflix and Amazon Video will have stuttering playback and picture tearing. This is something that is not going to improve if using this S912 combo - there is not even a solution on the horizon.


    So using LE for S912 Chip will not be efficient.

    Best regards...

  • The contrary. Once we get proper libmali with zero copy we might be seeing fluid SW decoded Netflix 1080p playback on S905 devices. There are just some changes required in Kodi.

  • johngalt I bought M8S II 905x box. I use test8 build. I tired hdr content. Tv show hdr, it is good. But my Denon can show hdmi signal info.

    4k film (10 bit, bt2020):

    Resolution: 4k:24Hz -> 4k:24Hz

    Color space: YCbCr 4:4:4 -> YCbCr 4:4:4

    Pixel depth: 8 bits -> 8 bits

    I run this command: echo '444,10bit' > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/attr

    4k film (10 bit, bt2020):

    Resolution: 4k:24Hz -> 4k:24Hz

    Color space: BT2020 4:4:4 -> BT2020 4:4:4

    Pixel depth: 8 bits -> 8 bits

    8 bits is ok? Or something is wrong?

    Why dont run this command automatic under boot?

  • Could you try setting it before you play anything, or put it in autostart.sh (located in .config) and reboot? If you never added anything to autostart, you can run the following: echo "echo '444,10bit' > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/attr" > autostart.sh
    If this doesn't work, I'll need to see a log. Do you have refresh rate switching enabled (it should be).

    I know there was a handshake issue with your denon receiver, so I wonder if it's unable to read 10bit support (will see in a log).

  • johngalt I tired again. If that command put it in autostart.sh, then all video (4k, sd, 720p, 1080p too) are BT2020 and 10 bit.

    Resolution: 4k:24Hz -> 4k:24Hz (or 60Hz)

    Color space: BT2020 4:4:4 -> BT2020 4:4:4

    Pixel depth: 10 bits -> 10 bits

    Refresh rate is enable.

    I think, this is good now. Or it is problem, sd, and 720p, 1080p 8 bits films show 10 bits?

    Why dont put in this command in autostart.sh as default? 8 bits devices cant hande, or why?

  • I'm glad to hear it. It causes problems for some people even on hardware that can support it depending on their setup, so it's not a good default. The 10 bit on 8 bit media isn't a problem, and to be expected :)

  • I have new problem. I bought m8s2 905x and usb3 to gigabit lan adapter. Le work with it, but buggy.

    First time (after boot) the bandwitch is 300+ Mbit/s, I can copy 33-36 MB/s. After I play one video (720p, 10980p, 4k) the

    bandwitch is only 60 Mbit/s. The movies are lagg.

    Screen photo

    Upper is after boot, before play anything, down is after play something.

    Adapter: Delock USB 3.0 to Gigabit LAN 62121

    Asix chipset

    What is wrong?

  • RedCat FYI No Amlogic box supports usb3 so you could have just got an usb2 adapter. Also USB devices can be unstable if they are not powered. Could be the adapter too or the driver but who knows.