Librespot Add-on

  • I switched to Kodi and restarted then, so this should not be the problem.

    Here is a log:

    There seems to be an exception in the python part of addon.

    Something does not seem right: according to github, ls_v never was an addon setting.

    Also, the controller receives title, artist and album, but the player does not receive the album.

    Can I ask you to uninstall the addon and corresponding data, and to then reinstall it?

  • OK, now it works.

    I uninstalled the addon, extract your archive under .kodi/addons, rebooted, activated, configured and Kodi mode works now.

    I think now it is the same as gurabIi reported. I see artist, album title. The lyrics is also searched. The time seems to be incorrect.

  • OK, now it works.

    I uninstalled the addon, extract your archive under .kodi/addons, rebooted, activated, configured and Kodi mode works now.

    I think now it is the same as gurabIi reported. I see artist, album title. The lyrics is also searched. The time seems to be incorrect.

    Installing from zip would have been easier.

    I expect that synchronizing playback time will be tricky, if not impossible, with librespot.

    Nevertheless, I will have a look at what others do, eg Volumio.

  • Ah, installing from zip. I somehow overlooked this feature.

    I do not think that the correct displayed time is important, I use librespot mainly with TV off. It would just make the integration more complete,

    Does librespotd provide the time information so that you can update the GUI? If e.g. someone presses in the middle of a song?

  • Installing from zip would have been easier.

    I expect that synchronizing playback time will be tricky, if not impossible, with librespot.

    Nevertheless, I will have a look at what others do, eg Volumio.

    I think synchronizing playback time is not a high-priority, but if it can be done, even better. Then those who like to listen to music while TV is turned on can see nice information, and even lyrics for karaoke:) None of these are important for me, and as kaibenn also said, 99% use Librespot with TV turned OFF. The important thing is that ALSA works perfectly, and TVHeadend zapping is fixed. Great work!

  • Ah, installing from zip. I somehow overlooked this feature.

    I do not think that the correct displayed time is important, I use librespot mainly with TV off. It would just make the integration more complete,

    Does librespotd provide the time information so that you can update the GUI? If e.g. someone presses in the middle of a song?

    Using librespot with the TV off was the original idea, but then some installations had issues with ALSA

    librespotd is work in progess:

  • Using librespot with the TV off was the original idea, but then some installations had issues with ALSA

    librespotd is work in progess:

    Sorry, than I confused the names. I meant the librespot process (in contrast to the library or your addon) running in the background. Does it provide the time information for you to intercept (hooks,events,...), also e.g. for the case someone starts a song somewhere in the middle (spotify app)?

    If you get this information it should be possible to update the Kodi GUI.

  • Sorry, than I confused the names. I meant the librespot process (in contrast to the library or your addon) running in the background. Does it provide the time information for you to intercept (hooks,events,...), also e.g. for the case someone starts a song somewhere in the middle (spotify app)?

    If you get this information it should be possible to update the Kodi GUI.

    The librespot deaemon provides a lot of information.

    However, the current transmission mechanism (the librespot daemon sets shell variables and launches a script, the script writes the variables to a pipe, and the Librespot addon reads the variables from the pipe) is ill suited to transmit them all.

    I would need help from a Rust programmer to change the librespot daemon to serialize the information, eg to json, and to pipe them directly to the Librespot addon. My skills in Rust are too limited to do it myself.

    Anyways, I am unsure if it is possible to set/reset the current playing time of the Kodi player while the player is playing, ie with the xbmc.player.updateInfoTag() python method. I tried, it does not work. The Librespot addon uses xbmc.player.updateInfoTag() rather than to avoid further gaps during playback.

  • I really do respect the efforts for the librespot addon.

    If I have a device with a Kodi /*elec version not supporting the librespot addon correctly then i use a little app on my Android tablet/Smartphone called HiFy as a workaround. It enables Airplay/DLNA support in spotify connect.

    So I do not get in trouble if I want to hear Spotify Music in Kodi and can patiently wait for a fix.

    Another thing is that I can hear my Music again via Airplay or DLNA on my AVR Receiver. Spotify connect was disabled on it earlier this year.

  • I really do respect the efforts for the librespot addon.

    If I have a device with a Kodi /*elec version not supporting the librespot addon correctly then i use a little app on my Android tablet/Smartphone called HiFy as a workaround. It enables Airplay/DLNA support in spotify connect.

    So I do not get in trouble if I want to hear Spotify Music in Kodi and can patiently wait for a fix.

    Another thing is that I can hear my Music again via Airplay or DLNA on my AVR Receiver. Spotify connect was disabled on it earlier this year.


    Snapcast and Spotify via Bluetooth do the same ;)

  • Revision 111m fetches track information from Spotity

    Revision 111m requires at least Kodi Alpha 1

    Do no switch mode while Spotify is playing to avoid having to reboot your system.

    For RPi2:

    - Code: Commits · awiouy/ · GitHub

    - Addon:

    For Generic:

    - Code: Commits · awiouy/ · GitHub

    - Addon:

    For CoreELEC

    - Code: Commits · awiouy/ · GitHub

    - Addon:

    If no major issues pop up, I will refine the settings, add translations and submit for release.

    Happy testing!

  • Many thanks, sounds great!

    Testing on CoreElec Odroid C2 started.

    EDIT: btw, are there any differences in terms of quality in using Kodi vs ALSA mode?

  • Installed 111m, looks good after a quick test on Wetek Play 2, CoreElec 8.95.0. Both audio modes seem to work.

    Only observed one minor problem: Skipping forward in the Spotify app works fine, skipping backwards not. It seems that librespot needs two backward skips to go to the song before (one to the beginning of the current song, another one to the song before). The Spotify app needs only one skip backward to go to the song before. So you can bring both out of sync. I never tested this before, but assume it was present in the previous releases as well and it is a problem in the librespot lib.

  • Excellent, will test and report back. I am really busy now, but will do my best.

    Do you plan to release a version for LE 8.2.5? Would be great. Or at least to support that branch if a fix is required.