Librespot Add-on

  • Howdy there, can anyone enlighten me to the difference between selecting output as ALSA and Kodi? My device is a wetek core and I was just wondering which option is better. Cheers.

    In ALSA mode Librespot plays directly to one of your sound devices, bypassing Kodi.

    In Kodi mode Librespot streams to Kodi which plays back.

    ALSA mode is extremely straightforward (at least on Pi) and allows headless operation.

    Kodi mode uses Kodi audio output and settings and is useful when ALSA and Kodi interfere with each other.

    Try both and pick the mode you prefer.

  • Tried to run the librespot plugin, looks like wonderful work but both backends do not seem to work for me...

    Tried the following to no avail:

    • sound of Kodi itself temporarily set to PULSE
    • set 'keep sound alive' to 'off'

    This is someoutput after selecting the kodi backend with the above settings.

  • Tried to run the librespot plugin, looks like wonderful work but both backends do not seem to work for me...

    Tried the following to no avail:

    • sound of Kodi itself temporarily set to PULSE
    • set 'keep sound alive' to 'off'

    This is someoutput after selecting the kodi backend with the above settings.

    Are you sure you are using Kodi mode? Error messages pertain to ALSA...

  • Yea I know, I found that weird as well. But I have switched between kodi output en alsa output quite a number of times and kept getting the same ALSA error.

    Might it be some error in configuration? If so, do you have any idea how to properly reset it? I tried uninstalling/reinstalling already, rebooting and resetting the config to default.

    I will retry some settings again tonight.

  • Still have the same issue, it still reports that it is using the ALSA sink (even though I really set it to the kodi backend). Tried disabling, uninstall/reinstall ande ven removed the data from librespot in the addon data folder...

    Am at a loss why it doesn't function.

    (I censored my spotify username on purpose in the code below)

  • So I (kind of) figured out what the problem is. In kodi, I'm using multiple user profiles. On the master profile, the librespot addon works flawlessly (with the kodi backend), on the other user user profiles, it does not. Obviously I would like to be able to use this addon on other user profiles as well, but I am not familiar enough with user profiles in kodi to deduce what the difference is between the master profile and other user profiles.

    If I can help out with any additional logs, please let me know!

  • First of all, thanks for this great addon! :)

    It's almost working perfecly but I bumped on a small issue.

    Sometimes GUI sounds or other media sounds are broken.

    Sound from from librespot is working everytime, but librespot seems to influence other media sources.

    More in detail:

    1) Sometimes a movie starts without sound, switching the audio stream fixes this.

    2) Sometimes GUI sounds are malfunctioning after watching a movie.

    This only happens with some movies on a remote server (so it might be a timing issue as the connection is more slowly as local files)

    When a movie starts without sound, I get logs as:

    CAESinkALSA::Initialize - failed to initialize device "@"

    Looking into the librespot code, I discovered that the audio sink get suspended on onPlayBackEnded/Stopped/Started.

    Kodi will try to initialize the audio device just after this, So I guess that the audio device isn't quite ready yet and fails to initialize.

    Commenting out the suspendSink('1') line for the above 3 calls fixes the issue for me. I'm not an expert, so this lines might be needed for another reason I'm not aware of?

    I can reproduce this issue on RPI and Wetek Hub.

    Another question, is it possible to keep librespot running when other media is playing? So that other media will be interrupted when we start to stream to librespot.

  • It is working here, but not at boot. I need to navigate to the plugin and disable/enable it.

    Hey awiouy,

    similar here. However on my side it happens, if I switch the profiles.

    When I switch the profile from one profile to another, your service becomes inactive (my spotify app cannot find the kodi service). After disable/enable the addon, then it work again. Any idea why?

  • Firstly thanks for a great addon!

    I have an issue with version 106, that may, or may not be related to to issues described above.

    I'm using the lastest stable version of Libreelec, with an IQaudio DAC on a Rpi 2.

    Everything worked with 105, but 106 wont work as intended.

    I would prefer to use the Kodi as output, but when this option is selected, no audio will play - neither Spotify nor local files. If I choose Alsa, Spotify plays, but no other audio comes through.

    The reason may be that I configured Pulseaudio to receive a Bluetooth signal - but as I wrote above, it worked in version 105, so something happened in this transition...

    Furthermore, when I disable the addon version 106 the system freezes and I'm forced to do a hard reset. And for some reason (and this is really weird) at one point I had to uninstall the addon to get the audio back, as it seemed ibrespot was still running, even though the addon was disabled - but the reason for this could be the necessity of hard reset when disabling.

    I very much hope, this addon will be working again soon :) Thanks for all the work!