Changing subtitle font problem

  • I'm trying to change subtitle font and can't figure it out.
    The versions of LibreELEC I'm using is kszaq's
    I was trying to copy custom default Verdana.ttf to following paths:

    - /storage/media/fonts
    - /storage/media/Fonts
    - /storage/media/*Fonts
    - /storage/fonts

    After every path change I rested the box reset but in the Settings there are still visible three default fonts: arial.ttf, DejaVuSans.ttf, teletext.ttf

  • In fact /storage/.kodi already exists, it's where your Kodi settings are stored ;)

    You just have to create a sub directory 'Fonts' in /storage/.kodi/media

    Solved! :)
    .kodi folder does not exist by default. I have created shared .kodi folder by editng samba.conf
    After reboot the folder was accessible and there were allready subfolders inside (addons, media, system, temp, userdata (clone of the existing Userdata).
    I've created Fonts folder inside media folder and it worked. Even without reboot.
    Thank you for the hint :)

    Edited once, last by yatoya (May 11, 2017 at 1:17 PM).

  • Solved! :)
    .kodi folder does not exist by default. I have created shared .kodi folder by editng samba.conf
    After reboot the folder was accessible and there were allready subfolders inside (addons, media, system, temp, userdata (clone of the existing Userdata).
    I've created Fonts folder inside media folder and it worked. Even without reboot.
    Thank you for the hint :)

    What you've created is a samba share pointing to the already existing .kodi folder (which is created on first run @ storage/.kodi). If you'd created a samba share pointing at 'storage' you'd have seen the .kodi folder inside it.

    Edited once, last by trogggy (May 11, 2017 at 4:09 PM).

  • What you've created is a samba share pointing to the already existing .kodi folder (which is created on first run @ storage/.kodi). If you'd created a samba share pointing at 'storage' you'd have seen the .kodi folder inside it.

    I've fixed it. I had two .kodi folders.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Hello.

    I put some fonts in the folder .kodi/media/fonts. It shows them in file explorer, but when I go to change the subtitle font, it only shows the existing fonts. (arial, dejavu, teletex). What's wrong?