Video settings resetting after reboot

  • Hi,

    I'm having trouble getting my video settings to save completely on my installation of Libreelec 8.0.1 on a Intel Nuc D54250WYK(Intel HD Graphics 5000).

    Everytime I reboot the computer, the output changes from 1080p@60hz(settings in System->Display) to native 4k@24hz. It also changes my settings in xrandr to full range, despite me changing it to "Limited 16:235" before. The effect is that my white and black levels are completely crushed. :(

    Every other setting in Libreelec is saved properly and does not change after reboot.

    How can I make my video settings stick?


    EDIT: I managed to solve it by creating an script that alters the video config after every reboot. I still don't get why these settings can't be changed in the Libreelec interface to begin with.

    For other people having the same problem, this was my solution:

    edit /storage/.config/

    with the following:

    sleep 10
    xrandr --output HDMI1 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Limited 16:235" --mode 1920x1080 --rate 60.00

    Sleep was necessary or otherwise the script would execute before video was initialized and my settings would be overwritten by Libreelec.

    Then change permissions of the script:

    chmod +x

    Edited once, last by Bokai (April 7, 2017 at 10:20 AM).

  • Hello!

    Set your desired resolution in system>display>goto audio exit. Then select reboot from the kodi menu. Now it should get stored.

    Sometimes the setting is not getting saved if you go back to the main menu from system>display...
    This happens for me since Kodi 15. Sounds crazy but it still happens.


    Edited once, last by Nicolas (April 7, 2017 at 10:50 AM).

  • Hi, I'm back again since my solution didn't do the trick more than a day.

    I don't know what is happening, but it seems as if Libreelec keep changing video settings after I play certain videos or after turning off/on my display(Libreelec is always on). Sometimes framerate is changed to 24p(for GUI) and sometimes I need to toggle Full/Limited color off/on to not get crushed blacks.

    How can I troubleshoot this?

  • No one?

    Some more info:

    - Video settings for the GUI change from my normal 60Hz if I pause a video playing in 23.98, shut down my TV and then turn it on again. If I now stop the video my GUI framerate has changed to 23.98.
    - Sometimes when I start up Libreelec when and go in to Video settings it immediately asks me "Do you want to keep the current settings" without me even knowing what settings it is referring to.

    Is this some kind of HDMI handshake issue?

    Do I need to manually set xrandr everytime I switch to Libreelec from any other TV inputs?

    Edited once, last by Bokai (April 28, 2017 at 2:33 PM).

  • You can set xrandr commands in the file, as a last resort.

    Hi, yes this is what I did, per my first post. The problem is that my HTPC is always on, so the autostart script is only run after a reboot.

    I will work on getting a debug log when I'm at home again.
    I figured out I could access my LAN via my home VPN so I managed to pull the debug log while my GF tried playing a few sources. After pausing the movie, changing tv input and back to Librelec again the same thing happened as described in post #4

    This is the log: [Logtalk] ################################################################################ -

    Thanks for helping me! :)

    Edited once, last by Bokai (May 5, 2017 at 8:49 AM).

  • I couldn't get this problem sorted and it kinda drove me mad, so I had to revert to Openelec and after that the issue has gone away.

    Thanks for the help anyway...

  • The most common reason for shutdown problems are background services installed via add-ons that take a long time to shutdown after receiving an instruction to stop, so Kodi reaches a timeout value and has its process killed before guisettings.xml has been fully written. The incomplete xml file is then detected at startup so Kodi substitutes a clean (default) file without the settings you've made. The most common problem things that I've seen delaying shutdown are large docker containers, torrent client add-ons, and some of the torrent based pirate streaming crapware. There is no general LibreELEC shutdown issue on NUC devices else the post count in forums would be notable (they are popular hardware) so it is likely to be something local to your install.

    Solve the reason for guisettings.xml and things aren't an issue. I'd also look at hardcoding an edid.bin file (run getedid from the console) as this will negate handshaking issues if they also contribute to weirdness.

    In the past I'd say "whatever works for you works for us" when it comes to LE/OE choices, but the longer OE continues to fester without security updates and bad design choices, that statement becomes ever-harder to make.

  • I have the same issue! I have a 4k TV but I set the resolution in Kodi manually to 1080p@50hz and after every reboot the resolution defaults to 4k@30hz. Iam on LE 8.0.2 running an Apollo Lake CPU/GPU.