Changing the time of Rpi

  • How do you change the time on a raspberry pi?

    I have put a couple of servers in the relevant settings page and its not using them to set the time.

    How do I get it to do so?

  • I have a similar problem and have set the wait for network and location settings.

    But the Raspberry Pi doesn't have a way to save the time when you turned it off.

    On the Raspberry Pi, the OS must get the time from a NTP server on a set schedule or on boot so the apps running on top of the OS have the right time.

    Or via a script if the task is left to the user.

    I don't see how this is an issue with Kodi.

    Edited once, last by liyin (March 30, 2017 at 6:43 PM).

  • Yes, I can confirm that OSMC (Kodi) does sync reliably with NTP servers at boot time.

    First line when booting OSMC: " [Ok] Started Set Time using HTTP query "

    This is a first after trying several distros over the years.

    But you must use the default Kodi skin (Estuary) or you won't see the Add-ons menu (hidden).

    Can anyone confirm if LibreELEC syncs reliably with NTP servers at boot time on a Raspberry Pi 2/3? (lost a card in the process)

    Edited once, last by liyin (March 31, 2017 at 1:14 AM).

  • Yes, I can confirm that OSMC (Kodi) does sync reliably with NTP servers at boot time.

    First line when booting OSMC: " [Ok] Started Set Time using HTTP query "

    This is a first after trying several distros over the years.

    But you must use the default Kodi skin (Estuary) or you won't see the Add-ons menu (hidden).

    Can anyone confirm if LibreELEC syncs reliably with NTP servers at boot time on a Raspberry Pi 2/3? (lost a card in the process)

    I have no problems getting the correct time.

    ntp is done through connman not through ntpd itself.