geforce 1050 + movie 4k

  • Hello.

    I bought a graphics card Geforce 1050 to watch videos 4k. He decided that the graphics card will be assisted by 4k to movie work. I turned 2 today HEVC 4k movies and constantly freeze. Maybe something I need to set?

    Intel pentium G3250
    Gigabyte B85M-HD3
    4GB RAM
    Geforce 1050

    Libreelec 8.0

    I also noticed that the settings have a resolution of 3840x2160p 60Hz. But it seems to me that it was malfunctioning. The image has a vibration. The 1920x1080p 60Hz picture is good.

    Edited once, last by kowalmisiek (February 28, 2017 at 6:58 PM).

  • Hi what happened to your rx 460? Did you replace it because of sound issue? I have the same problem but I cannet replace the rx 640 because no return policy in my country.. Did you get it to work with sound on LE 8?


  • Hi what happened to your rx 460? Did you replace it because of sound issue? I have the same problem but I cannet replace the rx 640 because no return policy in my country.. Did you get it to work with sound on LE 8?


    I mentioned the lack of sound