S905 builds - general discussion

  • Quick question I can't find an answer to:
    Using (build 009) I installed to NAND, can I use the toothpick method trying out (build 011) I wrote on a usb stick? I'd like to test it before erasind all my addons and configurations.

    Just make a SD card with 011 and inserted in your box. It will boot from the card without touching the NAND installation, No need for a toothpick. :)

  • Unfortunately I don't know what's the exact colour encoding output. I know that you can force RGB output - again don't if it's limited or full. Maybe someone with a TV set that shows these values would be able to help you. Currently there is no way to switch output colour range in Kodi.

    - I read in another thread that 23.976Hz does not work in Krypton builds (currently displayed as 24.000Hz?) - will you be able to fix that soon?

    There is a patch from Codesnake that brings back 23.976Hz output rate. There are some issues with video stutter that need to be addressed and I'm working on it.

  • Thank you for the answer!


    Maybe someone with a TV set that shows these values would be able to help you.

    That would be great - does anyone here have a TV which shows this kind of information?


    There is a patch from Codesnake that brings back 23.976Hz output rate. There are some issues with video stutter that need to be addressed and I'm working on it.

    Great to hear, thanks!

  • I'm trying to access the box via windows network environment but it won't show me the LibreElec Network device although it is connected to my routers network output and name and IP are shown by my router. LAN access and SSH are activated in my libreElec settings and connection via SSH is working too.
    What do I have to do? I'd like to make a backup of my gen.xml before updating to build 011.

    Edit: Don't know what I did but now LibreElec shows up in my Network devices.

    Edited once, last by honolulu1 (December 21, 2016 at 2:46 PM).

  • I'm trying to access the box via windows network environment but it won't show me the LibreElec Network device although it is connected to my routers network output and name and IP are shown by my router. LAN access and SSH are activated in my libreElec settings and connection via SSH is working too.
    What do I have to do? I'd like to make a backup of my gen.xml before updating to build 011.

    To get to the userdata folder I would use coreftplite. password is libreelec I think

  • OK tried Build 011 from usb drive and DTSHD HR 5.1 passthrough only gives me the DTS core reaching my AVR, just as it did with build 009.
    I think it's because of the the 6 instead of 8 channel High Resolution Audio but I can't test it, because lack of content on my hard drives. I'll get my hands on a DTSHD HR 7.1 sample and report back.

    Edit: Tried the DTSHD HR 7.1 Sample and again I get only 5.1 DTS core. I think it's save to say that the Mini M8S II S905X cant't pass through DTSHD High Resolution jet, regardeless the build I'm using.

    Edited once, last by honolulu1 (December 21, 2016 at 3:15 PM).

  • I think it's save to say that the Mini M8S II S905X cant't pass through DTSHD High Resolution jet, regardeless the build I'm using.

    My recommendation is to take this up in the Kodi forums. I suspect it could be their issue. Passthrough not really passthrough, unintuitive and contrary GUI, etc.

  • DTSHD-HR 5.1 & 7.1 works fine on my box, I don't think it's a Kodi issue, More likely to find a problem in the way the OS\hardware combination interprets the data Kodi sends.

    BTW, how do your boxes handle Dolby Atmos sound?

  • Clone my repo and start compiling. ;) PROJECT=S905 ARCH=aarch64 make image

    I've setup a development environment and try to build it ... wow huge build and a lot of packages downloaded. Finally ths build failed, it seems I'm encountering a gcc5/6 compatibility issue, I'm using gcc6 on a fresh lubuntu 16 vm install (I'm able to build and run "simple" programs, not an installation issue)

    But this is not the best place to talk about this, have you some links you've used to understand what is done in such a build ? (libreelec, boot ...).

    I know this is a s905 thread but is there any build available for a K1 with a S805 chip ? I've not found such a build here (in the s805 part !). I've made a mistake and bought a (DVB-T only) K1 plus (so order a S2 later ...) and plan to offer this S805 to someone but it would be nice to find a working libreelec image, the box is provided with a firmware running kitkat 4.4.2 (having only kodi working, no need to use the tuner for this one)

  • ... More likely to find a problem in the way the OS\hardware combination interprets the data Kodi sends.

    BTW, how do your boxes handle Dolby Atmos sound?

    I think so too. Must be a slight difference in our boxes this OS isn't considering. Dolby THD is passed through correctly with my box. Atmos is just an attachment your AVR recognizes and uses in addition or it won't and just uses the THD if it's not capable of using Atmos.

    Can you see passthrough informations in the KODI debug log? If so I'm going post one this weekend and see what goes wrong with my High Resolution Audio.

  • I'm having another problem regarding my USB drives I'm using for my movie and tv show collections. I have two WD My Book 2TB USB 2.0 and those drives have an additional partition with a virtual drive on it containing the WD Smart Ware software. When I start my LibreElec TV box often one of my drives isn't shown correctly. Under "videos - data" I usually see the WD Smart Ware partition and the one my videos are on. Sometimes It would only show the Smartware without the partition I actually want, especialy when both of my drives are connected to the box. Both Smartware partitions are always recognized but sometimes I have to restart my box several times until first one, then none, then both of the partitions my files are on are recognized properly.

    Can someone tell me how to delete these smartware partitions without reformating the whole drive? Just to disable them using the smartware wont work.

  • Can someone tell me how to delete these smartware partitions without reformating the whole drive? Just to disable them using the smartware wont work.

    NTFS or Fat32 Format is all that works for me with Kodi.
    I think you have to RE-Format your drive without that conflicting WD Smartware Software.
    I use Mac and had issues like that before with WD My Book Drives.
    I wipe and format the drive before i even think of using it for Media Storage.

  • I've tried the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool but the Virtual CD Drive with that damn software on it wont disappear. I tried Diskpart in cmd.exe but no luck either.
    Please any other suggestions? Having to restart my box several times every time I want to use it is really annoying.

    Edited once, last by honolulu1 (December 29, 2016 at 10:19 AM).

  • I tried gparted but it wont recognize the image drive and just reformat the regular partition I can reformat with any other windows tool.
    I'm searching the net for hours now and can't find a way. I hate Western Digital for that.

    Edited once, last by honolulu1 (December 29, 2016 at 10:54 AM).

  • I tried gparted but it wont recognize the image drive and just reformat the regular partition I can reformat with any other windows tool.
    I'm searching the net for hours now and can't find a way. I hate Western Digital for that.

    Mac Disk Utility.
    Wipe then re format.
    No Mac ?
    Can't help you.